Award Site!!!

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Mr.William started to announce the awards.. He said "Coraline will be receiving  The Grifhockens Totally Cool Award!" Next he annconed was "Our two finallist for the Soclar Athlete Award are Camron and Billy!" Then I said "You are making us normals feel BAD." Then Billy said "Yeah right after our handshake of AWESOMENESS!!" They both stood up and did there little wired handshake of"AWESOMENESS"!! Then Riley said "Girls should have there own handshake of AWESOMENESS!!" So Riley and I did our AWESOME HANDSHAKE!! :) Then Mr.William annouced the last award "Richard you are being awarded the JOFC Award of Confidence Award!" But when Mr.William looked at Richard's desk and Richard was not there, he said "Hello Richard are you there?" Then he replied back saying "Your call will be answered in 25 mintues.." Mr.William said "Richard never misses class." After he said that it was snack  time.


We three were in search of Richard. So we looked all over the school. When we were near the janitor room, when all of a sudden Richard pops out of the door. Then we ask him what happened to you. He replied back "Um someone told me I am a NOBODY." Well Riley asked "Who is the "GUY"?" Then Richard walks away.


Then we were doing class, and Coraline gave a wrong answer and so did Billy and then Mr.William said "I GIVE UP!" Then Richard says from the microphone on his desk "You cant give up." Then Mr.William said " Well you need to be in class." Then Richard replied "I am really sick "cough cough".." Mr.William said " Feel better" with a smile.


It was gym class and we could not find Richard and he promised us he wont miss any more classes but he lied. Then Billy enterd in and said "Baseball after school?" But Camron replied back "Sorry cant!" "Still problems with Richard" Then Billy said "He is a big NOTHING!" After Camron heard that he pushed Billy to the wall and asked him "Why did you do this to him" Billy answered "Well because he is not like us" Camron told Billy that "No matter what Richard will always be our friend" and Richar dheard that and shouted "THANKS!" and they left.


Richard, Camron, and me got awards but I felt bad that Riley did not get one. But Mr.William annouced that the ISG Student Body have voted a person for the EVERYTHING AWARD. This last award goes to RILEY!! And there you have it!! 

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