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The impressions often deprive us of some details that we can visualize at a distance.

That was the phrase that Tony's memory wrote in his story...

The sound of the bedroom door closing was lost within his auditory senses, and the thunderous cry of a small figure, which might as well look like a porcelain doll, stepped in as a companion for the constant echoing journey. His eardrums focused only on the second resonance.

Although considering that he was so stunned that this was the only thing he could hear, his honey eyes remained hypnotized as a hypnotherapy practice, a one-way contemplation, dilating like the thick liquid inside a soup plate in front of the field of vision of a baby curled up between the embraces of two warm blankets.

Both Ryland and Ondreaz rushed to try to reassure the frightened creature, the first name cradling him in their arms with more agile and cautious movements as his brother turned on his alarms to search for the bottle full of warm milk that the one with almost blond curls had brought up a few minutes ago.

Picking up the long crystal glass from the nightstand, Ryland placed the silicone teat gently between the little visitor's lips, the baby momentarily hissed the whimpering, and awkwardly and novice tried to suck on the tip of the bottle in an attempt to absorb the content inside.

"That was close, I'm sure that the others are too involved in their affairs that I imagine they didn't notice the scandal." The boy sighed in relief before frowning at the brothers "The next time you want to resolve your indifferences, could you just do it in a place where, I don't know, there was not a two-day-old baby present and resting peacefully?"

"You're right; we're very sorry, goldilocks." Ondreaz lamented for both of them, the vulnerability in his attitude was not a gesture that Tony went unnoticed but he was not interested in investigating more about it. Turning around, the older chestnut faced the black-haired boy "You ... it seems that in the end I must give you that explanation."

The curly eyed his brother at the little creature for a moment before turning back to his brother, rose an interrogative eyebrow "Don't you think so?"

He looked at him exhausted "Come here."

Kicking off his steps, Ondreaz reached out to capture the youngest dancer's hand and pull it up off the floor before nodding toward the outside of the bedroom. Tony obediently chased after him once the door was opened for them both to leave the place; leaving a reassured Ryland sitting on one of his beds, seriously, the boy could die of impatience if it were not for the operation of nature.

"What the fuck is going on up there, Ondreaz?" The interrogation began once they both set foot in the kitchen, verifying that no one was around them to hear their conversation. The dark-haired boy was aware that neither his little bear, nor Chase, were in the vicinity, which he made absolutely sure. "Who is the real owner of that baby girl?"

"One question at a time, will you?" The older one raised his hands, stopping him. "And it's not a girl, it's a boy."

He crossed his arms, seriousness in his features "Just answer the damn question."

That only got him a withering look "Right now, I don't give a fuck about your fucking detective façade. Besides that you left me alone in all this, are you the offended one who demands answers from me? Did your brain drop off along with your shit?"

Tony let out a heavy breath "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have gone out a date with Nick, I should have stayed with my family who is more important than anything, happy?" His speed to release the words was carefree. "I already did my thing, it's your turn."

The brown-haired boy rolled his eyes at the lack of a filter regarding his brother's apologies but still did not reproach him "No matter how many questions you ask, I will not answer any of them anyway, I will only tell you what seems convenient for me to tell you." He warned beforehand to avoid misunderstandings "And, remember, you cannot tell anyone. No one should know that we have a baby sleeping under these roofs, not even your beloved boyfriend; we could get into serious trouble if any of them finds out about the situation."

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now