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"Why is Addison here?"

Nick's sudden question made the dancer's ears go muffled for an instant before finally opening his consciousness and realizing that reality still exists. Unquestionably, the blonde girl was only a few meters apart in front of the couple with the restless tic contracting her foot. Her crossed arms and impatient expressions were indications that she seemed to be waiting for someone.

And they were not mistaken, just a few centimeters from their space was her boyfriend, who was waiting among the line of people who wanted to taste a delicious cotton candy.

It was strange that she did not yet turn to discover them together, normally, if someone is desperate to shake off their impatience, they would look everywhere like a tourist visiting the flashy places of a foreign country and taking pictures like an amateur. Whatever the reason was, they sighed in relief that she had not yet turned in their direction.

Glancing down at his chest, Tony stared at the mess of tangled chestnut locks on his little bear's head before continuing to look down and realize the fading color scaring his face. He could not deny that his heart was also paralyzed when he met the gymnastic figure; his mind immediately devoted itself to digging for ideas to evade the presence among large kilos of ground that buried them.

His skin also shed its color and his body shuddered incomparably, he knew from experience that Addison's appearances in his debauchery moments never ended well. But despite the catastrophes her presence could cause, he had to be calm and carefree for his scared little boy not to be alarmed more than he should.

"I have no fucking clue," He whispered as he released the light body.

Nick may have considered and paid attention to that gesture of rejection with insinuation but his conscience was still building the different possibilities of escape that they could take advantage of while the girl was on her back, ignorant of the meaning of how small the world is.

Were they really lost this time? Would his romantic escape with Tony finally be ruined after so many dodges of human contact? Perhaps this was one of those signs that threatened them to abandon their cowardice and present themselves to the world as a happily related couple. As much as one of them hid it, the sheets would always rise and reveal the secrets that were hidden under them.

His pernicious imaginations vanished when a surprising grip on his wrist awoke his spirit. Before he could analyze the situation more confidently, he was being pulled by the force of the thick hand. The sockets of his dark eyes seemed to want to kick them out of their lodgings when he managed to start the motor that allowed him to think clearly, he felt his heartbeat stagnate in his throat when his shoes ran, bound, in the direction of their blonde friend.

Did the foolishness of his date finally decide to take care of him and his dysfunctional brain? He really thinks so.

"Tony?" His voice was a miniature, compared to the riot in the amusement park, that managed to fill the ears of the ultimately named, his soul wanted to escape from his body. "What the hell are you supposed to do—?"

Realizing that they managed to slip behind Addison's back, he swallowed the protests about the sense of incompetence as a last resort. They began to accelerate the steps once the distance was lost with the girl with golden hair.

Nick suppressed the soft sighs as the dark-haired boy's hand connected to his, intertwining their fingers, as they headed for the love tunnel like two lovers escaping from the prison of opinions. They ran like the wind, without stopping, to the line that lined up to enter the amusement attraction.

With his uncoordinated breaths, the dancer was the first to open his mouth "Do you think she saw us?"

He did not get anything contrary to what a deep frown meant.

YOU [Tonick] H.H. #1Where stories live. Discover now