I knew that the guys and the Cullens didn't get along, but that didn't mean I was going to pick sides. I had known the guys for years and I had spent countless summers with them, they were some of my best friends. As for the Cullens, I wasn't about to shun them because they were vampires and I was of Quileute blood. I was going to form my own opinions and feelings not based on some ancient lore and treaty, but based on who they were as people. I felt fortunate enough to be knowledgable of both sides of the coin and to be accepted by both groups of people... well, except Rosalie.

The next day Laura had spent a good amount of time on her phone texting Jasper.
"You've been on your phone a lot today Laur" her mom pointed out as she placed her daughter's dinner on the table in front of her. "Something I should know about?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Or someone?"
"Uh no, it's, it's Jessica. She keeps trying to convince me to go to prom" Laura lied, shrugging her shoulders. "Telling me all about the dress she got"
Susan took a seat at the table, placing her drink down as she eyed her daughter. "Oh really?" she asked, her tone clearly showing she wasn't believing her. "Well Jessica's texts sure made you smile" she commented with a smirk. 
"Laura's got a boyfriend" Nate sang teasingly, bobbing his head side to side. 
Laura glared at her younger brother, "Shut up" she told him, before looking back to her mom. "It was Jessica okay?" she tried to insist.
"Okay" her mother nodded pulling in her chair. "Well tell "Jessica" she can come meet me anytime she wants" she said, using air quotations around the girl's name. Laura huffed and shook her head, though internally she was smiling a little. 

The next day it was family meeting time, though Laura had already had quite a few interactions with the family compared to Bella, a formal meeting still seemed appropriate. She was worried about being awkward or shy, a very big possibility, but she also knew she could rely on Jasper to help her if that happened. Sitting in her living room watching tv Laura's head turned when she heard the front door and saw her mom coming in. "When did you leave?" she asked, having thought her mother was in the house the whole time. 
"I had some shopping to do" she replied, jiggling the shopping bags in her hands as she made her way to the kitchen. Laura turned her attention back to the tv until her mother spoke again. "Then on the way in I noticed a car parked outside"
Laura's eyes went wide, she jumped off the couch and looked out the window, sure enough, she saw Jasper's car. "You didn't!" she exclaimed turning around to see her mother stood in the kitchen doorway. 
"He seems nice" she grinned
"Mom!" Laura shouted, throwing her head into her hands.
"Relax, I only spoke to him for a second, I was carrying the bags. He offered to help, isn't that sweet" she praised. "I told him I'd tell you he was outside so, go"
"I'm so embarrassed" Laura groaned, quickly making her way to the door and outside. Exhaling heavily she walked over to the car and saw Jasper grinning. "What did she say?" she asked frantically getting into the car causing Jasper to laugh as he started driving.

To Laura's relief, her mom was truthful when she said they'd only spoken for a second. Her mom had introduced herself, and so Jasper returned the introduction, before saying he had just arrived to pick up Laura. Susan then said that he must've been the boy making her smile at her phone, to which Jasper replied he hoped so, before offering to help with the shopping which lead to the end of their conversation. 
"I'm so sorry, I thought she was in the house. I had no idea she'd run into you" Laura facepalmed. 
"It's alright" Jasper assured her. "She seems nice"
"That's what she said about you" Laura chuckled as she sat back in the chair. 
Arriving at the house Laura was in awe, "Your house is gorgeous" she commented stunned as she looked out the window of the car. 
"Seems Edward and Bella are already here" he informed her, noticing Edward's car. 
"I hate being late" Laura muttered nervously as she unbuckled her belt and they got out of the car. They headed inside and Laura couldn't help but let her eyes wander taking in the beautiful home as they made their way up the stairs. They strolled into the kitchen, both her and Jasper's eyes landed on Rosalie who was sweeping up broken glass and salad leaves.
"Everything okay?" Laura asked as they approached the corner and suddenly she could see Emmett, Alice, Carlisle, and who she presumed was Esme. 
"Great, now you're here" Rosalie huffed. 
Carlisle glanced at Rose disapprovingly before speaking, "Everything's fine" he assured them, his voice as calming as ever. 
"We were preparing Italian food, but Edward said Bella had already eaten and Rosalie... accidentally broke a bowl" Esme explained, glancing back at the blonde before smiling sweetly at the new girl. 
"Oh" Laura nodded, while Jasper eyed his 'twin'. "Well, if there's still some I'd love to try it" she smiled.
"Hey that's great" Emmett said enthusiastically nudging Rosalie to try and get her to crack a smile.
"Jasper, why don't you show Laura around the house while we finish off the food and clean things up" Carlisle suggested. "Edward and Bella are around somewhere"
"Sure" Jasper nodded, flashing a brief smile at his family before turning to make his way back down the hall. 
"See you in a bit" Alice chirped. Laura smiled at them before joining Jasper and walking alongside him. 
"Perhaps it was good we arrived late, avoided Rosalie's rage" Jasper muttered with a grin. 
"Always a plus" Laura added, grinning back at him.

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