Fuu: You, even wrote on top of the story I just wrote.............

Fuu then turned her head to her left to see Karin eating on her dried sardines.

Fuu: Ummm,...... What are you eating?

Karin: Dried sardines.......

Fuu: *sigh* You know, you're like the only middle school girl who constantly snack on dried sardines at school.

Karin: They're really good for your health you know.

Shouichi: You see Karin, I really don't want to pick on your habits but ever since you came here the club room always has a slight smell of fishiness. Don't tell me......

Karin: W-what is it?

Shouichi: You never brush your teeth before you sleep.

Karin: D-don't be stupid of course, I always brush my teeth before I sleep. Don't ever underestimate the perfect hero. Do you understand?

Shouichi: Yes-yes, I understand. (Shouichi then took out a mint candy and toss it to Karin.) Here catch it.

Karin: What is this?

Shouichi: Mint candy, should help you with your bad breath.

Karin: So what? I don't have bad breath, but....... thanks I'll take this.

Fuu: No no, you should really smell your breath if you can.

Karin: I....... DON'T.........HAVE..........A..........BAD........BREATH.

Fuu: Then, if you refuse to try it out, we'll call you Nibosshi from now on.

Karin: Don't make me into some local mascot!!!!!

Shouichi: Looks like Hero Club is famous enough to have its own mascot character

Karin: Don't make it sound like I'm going to be this club's mascot!!!!!

Yuuna: By the way, Nibosshi-chan-

Karin: Hold it, you're not going to make this a thing, are you?

Togo: Anyway, how about a poster to help find a new owner for the stray cats?

Karin: Ah..... about that thing, I've already made one already. (Nibosshi then took out a piece of paper from her bag and place it on the table)

Yuuna: Wow, you work really fast.

Fuu, Shouichi, Yuuna, and Togo take a look at the nicely made poster except for one problem.

Fuu, Shouichi, Yuuna, and Togo take a look at the nicely made poster except for one problem

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Togo: Um...... Is this a monster?

Shouichi: No no, don't be rude Togo-chan. It's definitely her pet "Nibosshi Cat"

Karin: It's a cat!!!! You're ruder than her!!!

Itsuki: *sigh*.....

Fuu: Hm...? Itsuki?

Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru x Kamen Rider Agito : Flower of PossibillitiesWhere stories live. Discover now