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I got home at 7pm and boy was my mother pissed. As soon as I walked through the door she grabbed me by my ear. "Do you have any idea what time it is why are you home so late...and why did your principal call me and tell me that you got into a fight today" I quickly cut her off. "Yes I got into a fight but it's not what it seems. She stood there with her arms crossed waiting for me to answer. "This mean girl in my school poured milk over my head and I got mad and we ended up fighting".

She stood there with her eyebrow raised. "So why didn't you tell a teacher and if you got Milk on you were is it." I quickly showed her my sweat shirt and my pants. "Look you can still see the stains and I didn't tell a teacher because I just got tired of her messing with me...she's been bullying me since the middle of freshman year."

"Where is the milk in your hair Jasmine since she poured it over your head?" She said slightly raising her voice. Shit I needed to think quick I was hoping she didn't ask that but then again my mother isn't dumb. "I-I washed up at Aaliyah's house".

She pointed at the phone. "No you didn't because Aaliyah called me and asked me if you got home safe and to tell you to practice for the talent show". She held her hand up at me as if she was about to hit me but she hesitated. "Jasmine you better tell me the truth or so help me God I will kick my foot up your ass".

I flinched "ok..ok...I was supposed to practice for the talent show today but since I had milk on me I decided to miss it...Aaliyah wanted to take me home but I wanted to walk and get fresh air and just think and as I was walking home...I noticed a man was following me and then he started to chase me and he had a knife and I ended up running to my friend Michael's house because he was a few blocks away from where I was..."

She cut me off "M-Michael??? As in a boy!!!". I rolled my eyes "Momma please...can I finish". She stood there quiet. "Anyway like I was saying I ran to his house and he saved me by letting me in and he didn't feel comfortable with letting me leave knowing the man could still be out there so he let me clean myself up then he drove me home".

She walked closer to me "Jasmine did you do anything with this boy" I backed away "no what the hell mom you know me I would never do anything like that and Michael is a nice boy I trust him if it wasn't for him I'd probably be dead".

Something about me saying that made her worried I could tell by the sudden change in her facial expression. "I'm sorry hunny I trust you, I was just worried". I gave her a hug. "I'm sorry momma I should have called you". She hugged me tightly and didn't let go for a while.

"And about this talent it going to interfere with your grades". I shook my head "no I'm still a straight A student and it's In a few weeks so it won't be on my mind for much longer" she shook her head "good, but why didn't you invite me, I would love to go see you sing".

"How did you know I could sing?" She giggled "Aaliyah told me" I laughed too "of course she did and I would love for you to come but I was afraid to tell you because I thought you would get mad". She kissed me on my forehead. "I could never get mad at you for wanting to share and express your talent" For once she was actually letting me be myself and I appreciated her for that. She had asked me to tell her more about Michael and I went on and on about him and now she wants to meet him the day of the talent show.

The next day I missed Practice once again because I told Michael that I'd go with him to the doctor because I didn't want him to be alone. Aaliyah was of course mad at the fact that I was missing out on practice but I had told her about what I saw on Michael's skin and she immediately told me to go with him. She promised me that she wouldn't tell anyone and that she was here for me and Michael.

When I walked out of school Michael was sitting on the hood of his car waiting for me. Michael drove a deep red Mercedes Benz. He looked so good sitting there in his red jacket and his hair was perfect.

 He looked so good sitting there in his red jacket and his hair was perfect

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When I approached him he got off the hood and gave me a long hug. "Thank you so much for coming with me, having you there will make me less nervous". I held both his hands. "I know this is scary but I'll be here every step of the way" he kissed my forehead as usual then opened the car door for me. It was so cute watching him jog around the car until he got to the drivers side and got in. We drove to the clinic and after sitting there for an hour we finally got called in.

Michael sat on the examination table and I sat in a chair right next to him. He reached his hand out and grabbed mine. "Hello I'm doctor Walsh, what seems to be your reason for coming in". Michael got nervous and hesitated for a moment. I squeezed his hand lightly and when he looked at me I assured him that Everything was going to be ok.

"I'm here because of my skin, I have these big white patches on my legs and some along my chest and back and arms". The doctor told him to get up and take his clothes off, while she wrote down all his information for his record. He took his jacket off and handed it to me, he ended up handing me his shirt and his pants too. When the doctor turned around she looked shocked.

"I've seen this before...Michael you have's a skin disease that causes you to loose pigmentation in your skin." Michael looked worried. "Is there anyway to stop it". The doctor shook her head "no I'm sorry, you have no control over this, it's going to spread very slowly...but I can give you a cream that will help even out your skin tone."

Michael looked at his arms then back at her "I guess I'll use the cream". Doctor Walsh walks over to the counter and writes down a prescription for the cream. Michael looks at me with sad eyes and I smile at him. He smiled back at me. The doctor hands Michael the piece of paper.

"Oh and with can't be exposed to the sun for long periods of time, since your skin isn't producing enough melanin, which protects your skin, the UV rays from the sun can give you skin cancer". Michael looks at her in shock.

"WHAT??....Skin cancer!!!!" He yelled. "Yes but only if your exposed to the sunlight for to long so you need to be careful, a black umbrella will do you just fine".

Doctor Walsh grabs her things and leaves the room. I walk up to Michael, he looked completely out of it. I gave him a long hug and he hugged me back sniffling. He was crying and I couldn't help but feel bad for him. I handed him his clothes and he got dressed.

"Michael I know this is really shocking news but I just wanted to let you know that this skin disease may be unbeatable but this doesn't stop you from doing what you love I have faith in you, you're strong...we'll get through this together." I put my hand on his shoulder and reassured him.

He grabbed my face and kissed me on the cheek. "Thank you Jasmine for everything" he walks out the doctors office. I was stuck on stupid, staring at the wall with the biggest smile on my face and my heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest.

"Jasmine are you coming?" He said giggling with his head poking back in the room. I try my best to stop smiling so hard and turned around to face him.

"Yes I'm coming". This boy gave me feelings I've never felt before and it was scary just as it was exciting.

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