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Aaliyah wanted to go to the music club to Practice for the talent show that was coming up in a few weeks but of course I had to cancel since I was covered in chocolate milk. She offered to take me home but I would rather walk to get my mind off things. When I walked her to the music room I was shocked to see that Michael wasn't there. It was just his brothers and his younger sister.

"Jasmine are you sure you don't want me to drop you home". She asked. I shook my head "no it's ok I need the walk anyway". We gave each other an air hug since I didn't want to get her all messy. We laughed and walked away. It was probably a good idea to stop by Michael's house to give him his clothes back.

I walk out of school and I'm drained from the day. I just hope that my mother doesn't find out about me getting into a fight because she would definitely kick her foot up my ass or worse. It started to get dark outside. The street lights came on. The streets were always quiet but I heard foot steps behind me. When I turned around someone wearing all black clothes was a few feet behind me. They had there hoodie up over there head and some dark sunglasses. I turned around and started to walk faster.

I pulled my phone out and called Aaliyah but she didn't pick up. I called her again "come on pick up please". It went straight to voice mail. I looked behind me once again. The person was a lot closer. I started to walk faster. Then I heard the foot steps pick up behind me they were running after me. I looked back and saw them coming towards me fast with something shiny in there hand. It looked like a knife. I took off down the street.

The book bag was weighing me down with all the books in it. I was a few blocks away from Michael's house. I looked back and saw that the person took there glasses off. The man was grinning at me but his teeth were messed up and it looked like he had been chewing on a yellow crayon. He was holding the knife out. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MEEEE" I screamed down the block. The man did a loud growl at me as if he was a dog. When I got to Michael's house I ran through the gate and started pounding on the door.

"Michael please open the door I need help" I screamed while pounding on the door. A few seconds later he opens the door. "Jasmine...what are you doing he....woahhhhh". I ran inside and fell onto him and we both fell on the floor. I hugged him tightly, "I'm so happy to see you". I said

He giggled.  "I'm happy to see you too but what happened why are you here". I looked back and pointed out the door. "I was being chased by a man with a knife" he looked out the door and no one was there. "Um are you ok Jasmine...I think all this chocolate milk in your hair is starting to go to your brain" he giggled while grabbing my hair and showing it to me.

I gently hit his chest "no I swear he was right there...ugh". I sat up on top of him and pushed my hair out my face to catch my breath. "Um Jasmine...." he said giggling. "What?" I asked, he looked down at me giggling and I looked at where his eyes were focused. "Oh my god I'm basically sitting on your dick I'm so sorry". I quickly got up and held the straps of my book bag while looking at my feet.

He got up and walked up to me putting his finger under my chin to make me look at him "It's ok Jasmine". I looked into his eyes and as badly as I wanted to kiss him I looked away. I was way to much of a mess. "I um brought your clothes". He sighed then started to laugh "Jasmine I told you, you could keep it". I took my book bag off and placed it on the floor in front of me. I looked through my bag but I couldn't find his clothes.

"Looking for this?" I turned around to see Brooke standing in the doorway. "Brooke why the hell do you have my draws and my shirt" Michael asked while walking up to her and snatching it out of her hand. "Amber took it out of her bad while we were fighting". Brooke said with a snotty attitude.

I hate this bitch so much. "Jasmine I thought I told you to stay away from him". She said walking into his house like she owned it. "Brooke you need to leave now" Michael demanded. She walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek but he rubbed it off soon after. "Why are you acting like this baby". She said running her hand down his arm.

"You can't possibly like this girl...I mean look at her she's all covered in chocolate milk, she looks disgusting". Michael pushed her hand off of him. "I'm not your baby, I told you that we're done, you need to leave".

I looked her up and down "you better stop insulting me before I beat your ass...again". I started rolling up the sleeves to my hoodie. Michael stood in front of me with his arms out. "No, no one is fighting, Brooke get out now". Brooke rolled her eyes and flipped her hair. "This isn't over Michael...and I'm gonna get your doggie looking girlfriend here too".

She walked out his house and closed the door behind her. "UGHHHHHH" I said loudly. Michael started to giggle. "This isn't funny Michael" I said crossing my arms. He put his arm around me. "You let her get under your skin to much". I rolled my eyes but he was right I shouldn't let her get to me like this.

He lead me upstairs "come let's get you cleaned up...and I need your help on deciding an outfit for me for the talent show next week". I smiled and followed him. I should be heading home but I'll just tell my mother I stayed late talking to a teacher about academics.

He let me use his shower, I had to put my sweat suit back on but I was glad to get the chocolate milk out of my hair. I sat on his bed. He took his pants off and I respectfully looked away at the pictures on his night stand. When I turned back he had a shirt on and a red sparkly jacket and a white glove on his hand covered in crystals.

"What do you think?"he asked smiling. "It looks good, I like the silver on your shoulders...but Michael why the glove?". I said giggling. "When I get famous I want the glove to be my signature...something original that's associated with me, you see the sparkly glove you think of Michael Jackson".

"I support you Michael, I'll be your number one fan I believe in you" he started to blush "Thank you Jasmine that means a lot to me". He took his Jacket off and tried on a sparkly silver jacket. "How about this?" I looked at him up and down. "I like that one too but what's the last option?". He put on a sparkly silver button up shirt and a sparkly blue jacket and I instantly fell in love.

"That's the one Michael I love that on you". He smiled and walked over to me to hug me. "Thank you for your help Jasmine I appreciate this". He walked back over to his closest and took his glove off and his jacket off and hung it up. When he took his shirt off to hang it up I noticed white spots on his back.

"Michael can you come here?" I asked him. He walked over to me and stood in front of me with a big grin. "What's up Jasmine?" I grabbed his arm and spun him around. I ran my hands over the spots on his back. "Is everything ok?" He asked me. I spun him around so that he was facing me. I didn't see a lot of discoloration on his chest but I still ran my fingers over the little spots that I noticed. I lifted his arms and saw similar spots on his arms that were on his back.

I gasped "oh my god, Michael do you feel ok?" I felt his forehead to make sure because with the spots being so small I can tell this was a something new popping up on his skin. "What is it? Why are you asking? Your scaring me". I started to unbuckle his pants. "Michael I'm sorry for this". I pulled his pants down and even though he had boxers on he still covered himself. "Heyyyy, Jasmine What are you doing"

"I said I'm sorry...oh my god Michael you need to look at this now". He looked down at his legs and there were big white spots on his legs. "Michael how did you not see this". He ran to the mirror to look at himself. "What is this? Why is the color of my skin changing to white".

I don't know what's going on with his skin but I'll be here every step of the way.

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