Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Draw Four!" I throw the card down on the coffee table and smile up at him as he huffs out and grabs four cards from the stack.

"Tell me more about school." I ask as he places down a green two on top of the deck.

"What do you want to know that you don't already know?" He questions as he watches me throw down a skip card.

"Who's your favorite and least favorite professors?" I throw down a green seven.

"My favorite now would have to be my English professor. He's really nice and he's helping me a lot with pronunciation. My least favorite is my Calculus professor...well, not so much her but just because it's Calculus." He draws a card from the deck.

"See? I didn't know you're taking English. You're already fluent, though. We never have trouble communicating." I throw a wild card down and do a happy dance at the three cards left in my hand.

"Well, if I'm going to move to the states, I need to be better at it." He huffs as he has to draw another card from the deck.

I slap down a blue three.

"Should I see if I can take a Korean class?" I ask as he throws down a blue six.

I put down a blue four on top. "Uno!"

"That would be nice, but only if you want to. It would make meeting my parents easier." He throws down a draw two card and sticks his tongue out at me.

"I thought in your culture, you only meet the parents if you're thinking about marriage." I ask curiously as I lay down the next card.

"Maybe I am. Would you possibly want to marry me if after school you still wanted me?" He asks with hopeful eyes and places a card on top of mine, evening the score.

I place down the red five and look up at him still staring at me, awaiting on my response.

"I wouldn't mind being married to you one day. If that's something you really want. But I've got to warn you."

"Uno!" He shouts placing the red eight on my red five. "Warn me about what?"

"I have a few requirements if I'm going to marry anyone." I throw down my red two and yell out Uno.

"Like what?" He frowns as he draws another card.

I place my last card on top of the deck winning the game and do a little happy dance as he chuckles at my reaction.

"I require us to never stop trying. No matter how hard it gets. I require for us to always hear one another out before assuming the worst. I require for there to be no abuse. I require for you to love me for who I am. I require faithfulness and I require for you to always...and I mean always...fuck me like you do now, if not better." He smiles at the last requirement I threw in there.

"I can definitely meet those requirements. So I guess I'll need to start saving for a ring because I want to get you a nice one." He says as he leans towards me and slowly kisses my lips.

"Is that right?" I ask melting under his touch.

"Mmhmm. Do you like platnium or gold?" He asks kissing down my neck.

"Platnium." I breathe out.

"Solitaire or more diamonds?" He licks around to the other side of my neck and I graze my nails across the muscles of his biceps.

"Solitaire." I moan as he takes my earlobe between his teeth.

"So about that last requirement..." he whispers in my ear.

"Yes sir?" I can barely even remember what I said two seconds ago.

"Want to practice? I want to make sure I get you pregnant one day." He smiles against my lips.

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