Chapter 44

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It was the weekend of Demi and Natalie's wedding and all of them were on their way to a hotel where the weekend weeding parties were about to happen. Demi and Natalie had booked a resort for the wedding and all the things will go down in the premises.

Friday afternoon 11 am all of them were in their respective cars and on their way to the destination. Natalie and Demi were in the car and they had Penny in the back seat and Penny was really exited as she was the one who was going to be the ring barer. Natalie's parents were going to get in the next day as they had informed her.

Demi and Natalie

Demi and Natalie had taken 6 months to plan the wedding and their wedding planner was a great one, she didn't bother the couple much then there were few up and downs which would obviously happen in any wedding.

Penny was sitting behind the car and she was holding a a tab in her hand and she was watching a cartoon one of her favorites and she was not at all looking outside the window which was actually a very scenic route and it was worth watching. Natalie was the one driving and she loved to drive even Demi liked to drive but then Natalie insisted they drive because Demi is known for rash driving. Demi and Natalie were the first one to reach as they only took one break but they reached to the resort and they were made to sit in the reception because their room was getting ready.


Dinah, Ally and the twins with Emily were in one car and behind them were Dallas and Camila. For some reason Emily fussed too much to be in the same car as the twins so Dallas decided Emily would ride with the other.

Now when it came to the gang and long drives they were big on junk food, drinks and snacks. Thursday afternoon Mila, Dinah and Ally all of them went to a supermarket and they got loads of snacks and other things for the road this was a old tradition for the gang and they liked to do it. 

It took them a little bit time to reach the hotel as the twins were not on their best behavior for some reason. Hazel didn't get her cereal today morning and Ally might have raised her voice a bit because she was tensed about the wedding she was the maid of honor for Demi and she was looking after the things too.

Bella was trying to cheer up Hazel but then she was not getting much done and it was getting really hard. So the mommies were thinking what to do to get Hazel back into her usual self so they stopped the car and they asked Mila and Dallas to stop too and Hazel was sent in their car. Once Hazel was in the other car Camila got Hazel hooked on a movie which she loved to watch and both of them were in the back watching a movie and eating pop corn and after 1 hour the little one was sleep with few corn on her body.

Bella and Emily didn't fuss much except for two bathroom breaks and a break for some hot food they all reached the resort and all the babies were fast asleep.

When Dallas and Mila pulled up they met Demi and Natalie at the reception and they hugged eachother and Demi saw Hazel in Camila'a hands and she picked her up,

"Why is she with you guys and not with her sister and her mommies and where is Emily sister" asked Demi rubbing Hazel's back.

"Well Emily is in the car with Ally and Dinah and the reason this one is with us is she was being fussy and so the couple thought they would put her in our car and she has been calm since then" said Dallas, Mila wanted something to drink she was really thirsty and she was about to ask when a waiter came and served her a drink which was welcome drink for them.

Hazel slowly woke up in Demi's arms and she looked up and she smiled. "Auntie Dem dem hewwo" said the little one.

"HI cutie how was your nap?" asked Demi. The girl simply hid her face in Demi's neck and squealed. Demi looked at the person serving the drinks.

"Can you get me a glass of apple juice without ice please and a sippy straw" said Demi kissing Hazel on her cheeks. Dallas took out her phone and she called Dinah on her cellphone and when Dinah answered there was singing in the back ground and that was Ally Emily and Bella who were singing rhymes.

Dal. "Where are you we are in the resort and having welcome drinks come fast D"

Dinah. "I know half an hour we are almost there how is Hazel?"

Dal. "She is with Demi and playing with her auntie's hair" chuckles a bit

Dinah. "Our plan worked I am a genius"

Once Hazel was sipping her drink Demi recollected. "Hazel once you finish the drink go with auntie Natalie and she will take you to the play room which we have booked for you girls" said Demi.

The last vehicle.

The last car had total 6 people that was Lauren, Jennifer and Julie. Normani, Zac and Henry.

Their ride was the smooth ride there was no noise the entire drive and they stopped for a bite to eat and that't it when they stopped for a bite to eat they finished everything gas, washroom so the next stop would be the resort.

Once everyone reached the resort everyone were gathered in a room full of tables and they were chatting up and speaking. The rooms were taking a bit longer to prepare so all of them were in the room sitting.

There was no problem for the kids. The kids were in a room with games and hot munchies. Thanks to the planner Demi and Natalie had hired it was a great thing that the kids were having so much fun.

But when they are having this much fun it will come with something and that mommies will get to know once they get to their respective suits.

Normani's and Zac's room got ready so Normani went to the play room and she saw Henry sitting in one corner and he was arranging a puzzle. When Henry saw his mommy standing above him he knew that he had to finish this later and he knew no one touch it as the room was a private room.

Demi and Natalie's room was ready too so they both went to the playroom and Natalie picked up their baby in her arms and they went to their suite and in their Natalie made a bottle to Penny and once drinking the bottle Penny just dozed into her sleep.

Dinah and Ally got their room and it was next to Demi's suite so it would be better for her Ally to go and speak with Demi if she needed something.

Jennifer and Lauren, Camila and Dallas got their suite keys together and their suites were a bit distant but it was also a bit scenic so they didn't mind. All of them decided they will be meeting up in the dining room for the drinks party

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