Chapter 8

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Minutes, hours and even days go by. But we do not realise the importance of time... Isn't it us who suffer at the end?


I woke up with mom screaming my name like I was a lost kid.
"Ugh moooom! Can you NOT scream please, my ears hurt!", I screamed back. Yes I was utterly irritated by this routine. Just when I was about to kis.......ah forget it!
As I walked down the stairs, I could see all of them already sitting on the breakfast table. I sat down too and looked at the gloomy looking pancakes. "You're sad too isn't it? I wish I could sleep more. I was having such a good dream after all. Don't you think it's unfair?"
"Umm Abby who are you talking to exactly?", Dad asked. I suddenly came back to reality and realised I've been talking to the pancakes all along. Oh crazy me!

That day I wanted to take a break. It was a Sunday morning and probably the only holiday I ever get in the whole week. Now that I was in ninth grade, I had lots of homework and assignments along with summer projects on all subjects. That Was Hardwork...!

(Time Skip)
I sat down in front my desk and started completing a few leftover projects that I had to submit by the next day. But I was too tired, having no rest all day due to tuitions and practical work set by teachers. Soon I fell asleep on my desk itself. I woke up to my mom shaking me up. "Abby, are you planning to skip tuition? Wake up...and hurry!"
Even though I was thoroughly exhausted and couldn't keep my eyes open, I had to run for my tuitions which were quite far away.
By the time I returned it was already very late at night and all I could manage was to complete one of the three projects left. I didn't have any further strength but I was so mentally pressured that I kept on pushing myself till 2am in the morning until I finished my entire work. I couldn't move any more. My arms and legs began to freeze and my head started aching severely.

Somehow I managed to go to bed and fell asleep as soon as I laid my head on the pillow.


I sat on the swing and thought (please don't mind, I think a lot). I thought about my childhood days. How I used to go for my table tennis and swimming classes with all my friends. The summer camps I used to attend and those times when my homework from school was so less it could be considered negligible. From the moments when I thought someone had a crush on me and tried to confess, till when I used to get scoldings for arriving late. I used to laugh, cry, be angry on someone 'cause I lost a match, or even get jealous at times. I've basically shared all my moments so beautifully without realising then. I regret now for not thanking God enough. If I was not in this life, with this financial condition and living in this particular area, I wouldn't have enjoyed all those precious moments. I could tell you a lot about it, but noone will feel it as much as I. I'm so grateful for this life. Because even though I've had my bad times, I've shared good times with people I love as well. I'm guilty of not cherishing those moments and not thanking everyone for the perfect childhood they've granted me with. Just their existence means so much to me. I had probably been really angry at them for teasing me or picking on me... But I was really grateful to all for making my day the way it was. Now that I think about it, I can't help but realise how precious time is. Now onwards I'll have exams for admission and more exams for promotion and again exams for jobs, and then work hard to earn a living. I guess this is where we become adults, this is where we leave our innocence behind and come into reality. If you ask me I'd rather be in my dream world and return back to those days when I was a little girl who shared memories with everything and everyone near her. What about you?

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