Chapter 1

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It was a pleasant summer morning, the first day of the summer vacations had begun!
I didn't want to wake up just yet so I decided to stay in bed for a little longer. But as soon as I turned around to get into a comfortable position on my bed, my brother barged into the room switching on all the lights that could have possibly existed. I was blinded by the sudden brightness in the room. "Ah Rick! Get out of this room right now, and switch off the damn light!". My seven year old brother Rick, being as disobedient as he is, ran out of the room laughing loudly as if he'd just won the lottery. He didn't even bother to close the door or switch off the lights.
And that is how my day started. Completely irritated and disgusted by my brother's actions, I had to get out of bed and switch off the lights only to face the thing I've been avoiding the most.
"Aaaaabbbbbyyyyyyy!!!" My mom yelled. "Oh you're up already. Go brush your teeth and finish all your assignments and remember your classes start in an hour."
"Classes...?" I looked up, still dreamy because I couldn't get enough sleep thanks to someone special, " but it's holiday, mom!"
Mom frowned at me saying, " I know , but your tuitions can't be cancelled can it?"
"But mom! I'm fourteen I can take care of my studies on my own..."
Mom being mom said, "Exactly, you're fourteen and you have only a few years left before you have entrance exams. Now go."

I figured it'd be useless to argue with her anyway so I quietly went into my room, changed into something comfortable, brushed my teeth and did all that was necessary to be done.
Then I sat down and looked outside the window.
It was a quiet neighborhood, the sun shone brightly lighting up everything that came in contact with it, birds chirped in the banyan tree nearby. Not many people were out on the streets, some were still running to work, and a little boy was playing with his friends in his backyard. There wasn't much to see.
I turned back inside the room determined to have a fresh start from now on. I had to arrange everything before school started next month and I had loads of unfinished work to complete before more work could be given from school for the holidays. I sat down in front of my desk and took out a new notebook. It was a birthday present by my best friend Zinze. We've been friends since kindergarten and we've always looked out for each other. There was a time when we were separated cause we didn't share the same classes together for years. But eventually everything went back to normal since sixth grade. Thinking about my best friend made me smile, I tried to think what she was doing at that moment. Sleeping till now probably. I bet noone was awake from my whole school but me. "Ugh! If only I could be a sloth in my next life and sleep all day as much as I want. " I regretted it the moment I said it.
Nevertheless I went back to work, completing unfinished homework and minding my own business when  suddenly the doorbell rang. "Ding dong!" It echoed throughout the house. I ran down the stairs to see who it was that ruined the peacefulness of the morning. I opened the door and a young boy stood in front of me. I had never seen him around before and I figured he had probably moved in around this neighborhood recently.
He smiled and introduced himself as Aiden. I must've been staring because he suddenly looked at me and said "Are you ok?" I turned around and blushed. I didn't mean to stare but honestly he was really good looking. Not quite like the idols people go crazy over rather someone who was warm and friendly. Just my type!
   We exchanged formalities and I took permission from my mom, who looked suspiciously at me when I asked her I'd like to show Aiden around the neighborhood as he was new. She agreed as long as I didn't skip tuition which was to be postponed in the evening.
I gave her a big smile and rushed out into the warmth of the sun. Little did I know that my life was about to take a complete turn from now on...

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