Chapter 4

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It was my first day using Instagram. I'd already texted all my friends and I was waiting for everyone to reply when suddenly I get this text from an account I had never seen before 'ig_SJ'. I checked his profile and saw he was actually a classmate of my good friend Sam. Samuel was in my physics tuition, and to be honest when I first saw him, I had a light crush on him. But he had ignored me straight on my face . Now whether it was intentional or not, I don't know but I kinda started feeling left out again. I probably didn't even have a crush on him, maybe all I wanted was to be friends with him. But I guess he thought not. Now this 'ig_SJ' legit started off saying he was actually Sam and that he was using his friend's account so that his mom doesn't find out. Even though me and Samuel weren't exactly the 'buddies' I knew that something was fishy. Probably because Sam didn't have anything to hide from his mother and also that wasn't the typing style of him. The first question this so called Samuel from his friend's account was ' do you have a crush on me? (Referring to Samuel himself) and to be honest I'd heard rumours about their school but I had chosen not to believe them. They ended up being true. I later found out it wasn't Sam at all and I laughed at how silly I'd been and how smart the SJ guy must think of himself. After that Samuel himself texted me and he was surprisingly kind? I asked him if he got to know about what happened and he said he had no idea what I was talking about. I believed him because I knew that guy, not because he wouldn't lie to me, but because I have faith in him and let's say being with a person over time helps you know their character better if you're interested. I charged this SJ guy and literally showered him with every possible cuss I knew, which weren't many. See, I'd been inwardly shy. I've always gotten good marks in studies and always did my homework on time (PS- still got blamed of not studying enough). Basically I was a nerd. But my friends had helped me gain more confidence in myself , though the thought of hearing and saying those words horrified me. So now this SJ guy legit lied on my face that he was completely unaware of what had happened saying that someone else who had his account password must've written that. I thought for a while and yes, trust me I was stupid enough to believe that. That was because a) I didn't want to cause a fight and b) my aim in insta was to talk to people not fight here too.

      But eventually that led us to talk. I figured SJ and I are quite similar and I decided to forgive him. This was just how they are, they joke, they laugh, they cuss, they make it up and go back to normal as if nothing had happened. I wasn't used to this because we were always taught to be prim and proper, and so called 'ladies'. I decided to give this new environment a try because I felt it could bring out my inner confidence better. I was right!

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