Chapter 10

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I got bored and decided to go for a walk to the swamp in the forest. On my way I stopped at Daryls bike, quickly I grabbed the knife off of it and ran into the trees. I didn't stop walking until I saw a walker, I stared it down slowly holding my knife up to it. "You ruined everything." I spat at the ugly thing, it was stuck in the mud trying to reach out for me. I took another step forward ready to stab it until it broke free and started running. I gasped jumping back then spun around and began sprinting to the farm, when I got there I could see all the adults gathered in a room having a meeting, I didn't want to interrupt them instead I carefully put the knife back and sat in our tent. My eyes felt heavy and I was sleeping, until about an hour later I heard loud screams. I ripped my blanket off and ran outside, I could see people gathered around someone. Dale lay on the ground a walker had ripped him open and all I heard was his agonized screams. My eyes then shifted over to the walker, my stomach dropped it was the same one I had seen in the woods, the one I was supposed to kill. Dale was dead because of me. I bit my lip hugging my mom trying to think of anything else. Carl and mom were both crying and Dad held his gun up to Dales head. I looked away as he fired, then I pulled away and headed for our tent.

The next two days I barely spoke to anyone I only ate a little bit and hung around myself. One night I decided to sneak out and go for a walk. "Carl," I whispered. I saw dad was with him. "Leah... get over here." I ran over to dad and gasped when I saw we were surrounded by walkers. "Barn now," dad said. The three of us took off sprinting for the barn, dad pushed the pole through locking the door. We were trapped inside I could hear the walkers banging on the door to be let in. "Dad we can't stay in here," I whispered. He nodded, "you two get up there," he pointed at the ladder. Me and Carl hurried up it, and dad tossed a lighter. I grabbed it and when he gave me the go I dropped the flame setting the barn and walkers on fire. "Come on," dad said leading us out the window onto the top of the RV. He passed me my gun and we made a run for the forest.

"Dad there's a truck and Hershel," I said pointing. He grabbed me and Carl and led us over. "Where's my mom?" I screamed at Hershel. He just stared in shock at his farm. "Where's Lori?" Dad asked. Hershel just shrugged, "that's my farm." Dad grabbed his arm and pulled him into the truck. I sat beside dad, Carl sat beside me, and Hershel sat alone in the back. I tiredly leaned my head into dads side unable to sleep as thoughts of my mother surrounded my head.

Dad finally pulled the car over on the highway, we were alone. Mom wasn't here. Carl started screaming and I just walked away upset. If I hadn't snuck out then I would be with her, I would know if she was okay or not. I sat on the tailgate lifting my head when I saw two vehicles approaching. Mom ran out of one car and hugged all of us tightly. "Thank god." She whispered.

I sat back down on the tailgate staring out at the highway. "You scared a lot of people last night when you and Carl snuck out," Daryl said walking up to me. I shrugged, "I didn't know Carl had left too. I just wanted to go for a walk." He nodded, "you good?" I looked up, "can I tell you something." He shrugged, "don't care." I nodded, "the walker that bit Dale. I saw it, in the woods. I stole your knife I was gonna practice but I couldn't do it. And now he's dead because of me." Daryl stared me down, "that ain't your fault kid. No ones asking you to go out protecting the group, not Dale, not Sophia." I shifted my attention to Carl sitting on the road by himself, "I guess." Daryl motioned for me to go see Carl. I walked over to my brother sitting down beside him. "Are you okay?" I asked, he glared at me. "No. Nothing's okay Leah." I nodded, "you're wrong we're all together again. And that's what's going important right now Carl." He ignored me, and I nudged his shoulder, "let's just take it one day at a time." And that's what we did, we took shelter in different houses as we travelled away from the city, I would help clear out the walkers every time to give me practice with a gun, and we finally got off the road when we came upon a prison that dad thought was a perfect place to build a home.

Leah GrimesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang