Chapter 106

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Siddiq played with his hands, "when we were taken I remember being absolutely terrified. My hands were trembling, I didn't think I was going to make it out alive. We were thrown down in some barn and tied up. I could barely look at everyone around me. I think I'd given up. Even when the highway men arrived, I thought it was Alpha here to kill us so I ignored them. But when I felt my ropes untied I looked up and saw Enid offering me her hand. We fought so hard, everyone did. But more of them arrived and then it was game over and we knew it. I remember all the screaming as their heads were taken off and it was terrifying." Siddiq was now taking staggered breaths. "We can stop if you want," I whispered.

He nodded, "tell me about Carl." I bit my lip, "the night he died?" Siddiq shook his head, "no about him in general. I've only heard the stories." I smiled, "Carl was my absolute best friend. He had a vision for our life, and Dad and I did everything we could to bring that to life. Carl thought about people as people, even if they were our enemies. He was always the kinder, smarter and more genuine sibling. I was more determined and stubborn. He was selfless, he wanted the saviours to live, when no one else did. I couldn't have asked for a better sibling to grow up with."  Siddiq sighed, "do you blame me, for his death?" I shook my head, "no and I never did." I took a deep breath staring at my hands, "I blame myself. I wasn't supposed to fight that day. But I did anyway, I left Carl here alone. Everyone knows that if I was here, we would have went out together. If I was there I could've helped with the walkers, but I choose to fight instead." He bit his lip, "that's not your fault. It's impossible to do the right thing."

I looked up and saw Michonne heading towards me, "what're you two up to?" I smiled, "we're talking." Siddiq nodded, "I appreciated this Leah. I'm here whenever you want to talk again." I sighed, "me too, this was good I think." Michonne looked down at us, "are you two alright?" I shrugged, "is anyone? Talking helped, might have to try it more often." Siddiq nodded, "please do, I could use it too."

I stood up heading home and laughed when Judith came barreling towards the door. "Are you alright?" She asked touching my face. I smiled, "of course. How are you two munchkins?" RJ handed me a piece of paper, "this is for you." I opened it up and it was a feel better card. "Did you guys make this?" They both nodded and I held it close to me, "it's amazing." Judith shrugged, "what should we do?" I smiled, "you guys already have your crafts out. Why don't we paint a picture of something?" RJ threw his hands up, "let's paint the brave man."

I closed my eyes forcing a smile onto my face, "that's a good idea." Judith looked at me, "did you know the brave man?" I grabbed the figuring of the sherif putting it in front of us on the table. "The brave man was Dad?" She asked me quietly. I gave her a small nod, and passed out a piece of paper to each of us as we all painted our picture. At the top I wrote brave man, and they did the same.

We were just finishing up when Michonne, and Daryl came through the door. "What are you guys up to?" She asked hugging them tightly. "We painted the brave man!" RJ shouted. Michonne smiled, "wow, these are beautiful." Judith stood up and walked over to the banister taping hers above our blue hand prints. She then walked back over taping ours beside hers. I saw Michonne wipe a tear and I bit my lip as Judith looked up at her, "you never told me the brave man was Dad." Daryl put his hand on my shoulder, lightly, just enough to know it was there. Michonne shrugged, "that was the brave mans daughter's story to tell. I'm sure your big sister has many more happier stories she can share with you too." RJ ran his paintbrush along my face squealing with laughter.

I smiled as I touched the wet paint, running a line against his face. "I have lots of stories I can tell. But not to people who paint me." RJ laughed again handing me a paper towel, and I began to clean up as Michonne prepared dinner with Daryl helping.

"I didn't know if you were mad about the brave man story or not," Michonne said as she cooked the vegetables I shrugged, "of course not. They have a right to know. It was just unexpected. I thought Judith at least should know who the brave man was." Daryl nodded, "I'm sure she's glad she knows." Michonne agreed, "she loves when you tell her stories about your father and Carl. You can tell her about Lori, I wouldn't mind, she deserves that truth as well." I nodded, "I will. One day. But she has a mother right now and that's what's important."

Leah GrimesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz