Chapter 24

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"Guys." I heard Maggie whisper. I looked towards the door standing up when I saw a man behind her. Everyone drew their guns and I stepped back as he was pulled in. I listened intently as he explained he came from a community, that they wanted us to join. I was unsure of this community but this man didn't seem like someone who was out to get us. Dad started walking towards the guy and I watched as he lunged forward knocking him out.

I stared at him, on the ground shocked he would do that. I turned to Carl and he just shook his head and I knew that meant to stay quiet. When the man, Aaron started to come back, he explained there was one more guy with him, they drove separately. "I'll go check this out. Rick I know you're against this, but this could be something." Michonne proposed. I stepped forward, "I'll go with you." Ignoring my dads glare. Several other people offered to do the same and we came to an agreement.

Dad stayed back with Judith, and we all set off go where Aaron promised the other person would be waiting. Maggie walked beside me nudging my arm, "this could be something." I nodded, "I hope it is. I want Judith to have somewhere." She smiled, "me too Leah." We stopped when we saw the RV, this was it. He wasn't lying.

As everyone else looked around the RV I turned to Carl wrapping my arms around him happily. "This is it." He laughed hugging me back. Michonne nodded, "alright let's head back before Rick kills the man." When we got back to the barn I was happy to see Judith was eating, and she seemed calm.

Later that night we were led back to the RV, dad glenn and Michonne went with Aaron in the little car. I sat down on the couch pulling my knees close to me. We stopped at an old barn, waiting for everyone else to arrive. Almost an hour had passed and I was now standing outside waiting for dad to come back. "It's taking them awhile." I turned around and saw Rosita standing beside me. "Should we go out." I asked. Abraham squinted, staring at the woods, "they can take care of themselves." I nodded, "I'm just gonna wait out here for them." Maggie came and sat beside me, "me too." I watched those two head back inside and I turned to Maggie, "I wasn't even speaking to dad when we left. What happens if they don't come back?" She placed her arm around me and I hugged her, "I can't lose my dad too." She sighed, "they're strong, you can't give up on them."

We stood outside for another hour before I saw lightings heading our way. The moment my dad stepped out I ran up to him and he pulled me in. "I'm alright Leah." I closed my eyes not wanting to let go, "I'm sorry." He kissed my forehead pulling me inside with him, "don't be."

That night we all crashed in the barn, I was digging my knife into the dirt to stay entertained. And smiled at dad and Carl when they came and lay down beside me. "Do you still not trust this place?" I asked dad. He shrugged, "I'm feeling optimistic." Carl nodded, "mom would have wanted this." I turned away and closed my eyes, not wanting to talk about mom right now.

I felt myself being shaken awake slowly and dad lead us into the RV. When we pulled up to their gates I stared in awe. As soon as it was parked I got up and looked inside as the gate was opened for us. Houses lined the streets and it looked like a very lively community.

We were asked to turn in our weapons by a lady named Dianne, she then showed us to two homes. I walked away from the group exploring the community. "You're new." I saw a boy roughly my age looking at me, "just got here." He nodded holding out his hand, "Ron." I nodded not taking his hand, "Leah." He smiled, "let me show you around." I didn't see my dad or anyone else around so I followed him. "This is my house here." They all looked alike. "Are your parents here?" He nodded, "yes and my younger brother. What about yours?" I continued walking, "my dad is, then my older brother and younger sister."

"Mom?" I shook my head, "dead." He stopped and looked at me, "I'm sorry Leah." I scoffed, "you haven't lost anyone have you?" He said no and we ended up back at our house. "Wanna sit on the stairs?" I nodded sitting with him. "What do you even do all day?" Ron laughed, "school, we read comics, play video games." I bit my lip, "you have video games?" He listed off all the ones they played, and I was trying to take everything in. I heard footsteps and saw Daryl standing behind us, "cmon Leah." I stood up saying goodbye to Ron, then followed Daryl inside.

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