Chapter 38

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"Leah, wake up." I slowly opened my eyes seeing I was still curled up on dads lap. My attention was soon drawn to Carl who was sitting up smiling at me. I pushed dads arms off of me throwing myself into Carl's. "I'm alright Leah." I closed my eyes holding onto him tightly, "I'm sorry Carl, you shouldn't have pushed me out of the way. That was stupid." He smiled, "that's one hell of a thank you." I laughed a little, "thank you, I owe you." Dad shook his head, "no one is taking any more bullets for anyone." Carl winked, "it's your turn next Leah." Dad leaned forward hitting his arm, "don't you two have anything else to talk about." I smiled, "do you get to come home?" Carl nodded, "we were just waiting for the girl sleeping over on the chair to be ready." I rolled my eyes getting off of his bed offering my hand to help him stand.

I was about to let go but he squeezed tighter. "You didn't let go out there, why would you now?" I gave him a small smile as we walked outside our hands interlocked. Dad trailed behind us now holding Judith. Carl sat down on the couch and Dad handed him Judith. "Leah come help me in the kitchen." Dad nodded. I followed him over to the island sitting down. "I just want you to know you were right, about everything you said last night. I was selfish, we had lost so much in one night I didn't think about what I had left, and I made the stupid decision to go out there. Thank you for coming out with me, and I want you to know all three of you mean the absolute world to me." I smiled, "thank you."

The next day Dad and Daryl left early morning and Carl made me get out of bed to go on a walk with Enid and him. "We sneaking out?" I asked. Carl nodded, "that means don't go run and tell your daddy." I hit him rolling my eyes then followed Enid up the fence. "Did he make you come out here too?" I asked her. She smiled, "ya why are we even out here?" Carl shrugged, "we're kids we belong out here." He led us to where a stump lay down on the forest floor, then threw his bag down. "Comics for everyone." He handed us each our own then we opened an old bag of chips splitting in amongst each other.

I jerked my head when I heard people walking. "Carl," I whispered pulling them up. I went behind a tree peeking out to see Michonne and Spencer. "Oh it's just them." Enid stood up, "look I don't want to come out here anymore." I glanced at her, "I thought you loved it out here." Before Enid could answer Carl scoffed taking off. I followed him making sure Enid was behind me still. "There's a walker Carl," I pointed to make sure he saw it. "Go back to camp Enid, you said you don't want to be out here so leave." I watched as she took off, and Carl stayed staring at the walker. "Why aren't you killing it?" I asked. He just stared at me, "you wouldn't understand Leah." I sighed staying quiet as Carl began to lead it away but then I looked at it closer. "That's Deanna."

"Michonne and Spencer are right there." I whispered to Carl. He put a finger to his lips leading us away from them. Once we had made it back over the wall I went and picked up Judith from Carols house then Carl and I fed her dinner. "Let's go sit outside," he suggested. I followed him out then sitting on the bench. Carl placed Judith in his lap, "see that star," they both pointed up at the sky and I laughed. "Aren't we lucky to have such a star smart big brother?" I asked tickling Judith.

I leaned against Carl's shoulder staring up with them. I watched as Michonne walked up the steps, "you two have good day?" I nodded, "yes, did you?" She raised her eyebrow, "I saw what you did." I pointed at Carl, "that was all him, and there was nothing wrong with that." She scoffed, "you should've killed her or left her." I shook my head, "if it was me out there I wouldn't want Deanna to be the one to stab me. I would want it to be Dad or Carl, Daryl, Maggie maybe even you if it came down to it." Carl agreed, "I couldn't do it, if it were you I would." She stepped forward wrapping her arms around Carl. She tried to do the same for me but I stepped back, "I said you could maybe do it for me." Carl turned and looked at me, "Leah." I shrugged, "maybe could mean yes. I just don't know right now." She sighed, "I know you don't like me living in your house now..." I scoffed, "you've made it official, moving in?" She nodded, "look I just want to talk to you." I walked inside, "I don't want to talk to anyone right now so maybe tomorrow."

I slumped down on my bed, and Carl stormed in. "What was that about?" I put my hands up, "it just freaks me out that's she's here all the time all of a sudden." Carl smiled, "your such a daddy's girl." I threw my pillow at him, "I just don't want someone trying to be my mom again. Telling me what to do and everything else." Carl laughed, "you know she wouldn't try, you just don't like change. You barely looked at Judith when she was born." I rolled my eyes, "that was for a completely different reason." Carl shook his head, "I think you're just a little spoiled, you don't like sharing your family. It's normal for a younger child, especially when a baby gets put in the picture, than a new woman." I lay down turning away from him, "fuck you Carl." He laughed again, "Goodnight, love you too."

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