Chapter 120

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We left fairly late in the afternoon the next day meaning we were walking late into the night. When we got there the walkers had been there so long they were just laying on the floor. "Don't make a sound," Maggie whispered to us. I, along with three others were lowered onto the basement floor.

We all tiptoed around looking for supplies and the ones we did find were lifted up to those who didn't come down. A loud crash from the room beside mine made my heart stop. I observed the first walker who let out a small growl and then watched as several others began to sit up as well.

"They're awake." I hollered. Some of the others were already being lifted up to the top floor but there wasn't enough time for everyone to be saved before we got out. I grabbed one of the machine guns laying on the floor, and prayed it was still loaded.

I held it up smiling as I saw it light up, I took out lines of walkers waiting for my turn to get pulled up. "Leah, grab on." I hooked my foot through the loop and smiled when I realized we made all made it.

Daryl hit my shoulder, "way to go kid." Maggie nodded in approval at the group, "let's go home." When the gates opened Judith was already running towards me. I smiled bracing myself for the impact. "Were you good?" I asked. She nodded, "were you?" I laughed, "I suppose. Let's go home."

I heard Daryl open the door, "hey." I smiled, "how was the meeting?" He sighed, "we have to go out again. We only have enough food to last us a week." I groaned, "when do we leave?" He looked down at Judith, "we gotta go now." I bit my lip, "there goes my nap." He smiled, "meet us by the gates in fifteen." Judith looked like she was gonna cry, "do you have to go?" I nodded, "we gotta eat somehow right?"

Half an hour later we were walking and the clouds were getting darker. Only minutes later we were walking through one of the worst storms I had seen in a while. "We gotta get outta this." Daryl shouted over the wind. Daryl pointed down at the sewar, "we could always go underground." As much as I didn't like that idea, everyone else seemed to want to do that and I sighed as I was forced to follow them down the steep ladder leading us underground of the city.

Negan was the only other one who seemed to be strongly against the underground idea too. We walked down here for only a moment before a loud whining sound creeped through the lengthy tunnel. "What is that?" I whispered. Alden grabbed onto the pipes, "it's just the wind creeping down through here, we're good." That sounded anything but good. I was starting to hate being down here a lot more than I was expecting. It reminded me of the cave almost. "Hey." Daryl whispered. I looked up realizing I'd stopped walking. "Sorry," I answered slowly finding my pace again. Daryl stuck by my side now, and I gave him a small smile to show my appreciation.

About half an hour later I caught sight of a reflection of someone's flashlight. As we got closer I saw that there were hundreds of walkers wrapped up in plastic bags.

Daryl put his hand on one and all of a sudden it's jaw snapped open. "We gotta keep moving, it looks like these people were killed during the fall." Maggie said. Negan scoffed, "we're walking through a mass grave here, whose to say it's not still in use?" Maggie shrugged, "take each one out, clear the path. We are not stopping."

I sighed taking my knife out and moving down the line, I rolled my eyes as Negan opened his mouth again. Instead on listening I put a song in my head to try and distract myself from how terrifying this tunnel was. "I am out, I'm leaving." That's all I heard from Negan. Daryl shook his head, "we're not splitting up." Alden shrugged, "just let him go, he's supposed to be helping, but he's just slowing us down." Maggie sighed, "we need him. He knows where he's going." Negan smirked, "so I'm your tour guide. Nobody here know how to read a god damn map. You brought me here to die. We get through this tunnel I'm not coming back." I tipped my head back, "you're being paranoid." Negan nodded, "but I'm right. Look if you want to put your lives in her hands be my guest. Me, dying on your terms Maggie, it ain't happening. So let's get it done, right here, right now. I'm not letting you drag me through the mud to put me down like a dog, like Glen." I watched as Maggie lunged forward knocking Negan down, "You're right I think about killing you all the time. Keep pushing me Negan."

I turned around noticing our group looked a little smaller. "We're missing people," I said interrupting them. Daryl shook his head, "they took our supplies." I held up my hand, "listen." We all heard the soft growls and my eyes widened as I saw a large group of walkers heading our way. "Let's go." Daryl shouted. We were backing up to a train, "climb on top." Everyone got in line and I hurried up the ladder sliding down through the top of the train into the actual compartment.

Leah GrimesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum