Chapter 4

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My dad eventually decided it was time to move on, we were done in Atlanta. He opened up the car door for me and I crawled into the back seat with Carl and Sophia. "Mom is there any music?" Carl asked. Me and Sophia nodded eagerly. I watched as she dug through the compartment eventually pulling out a CD. I smiled sitting back listening to the soft music.

Mom laughed silently looking over at dad, "remember our trip to the Grand Canyon." Dad laughed too, "how could I forget." Me and Carl looked at each other confused. "I don't remember that." Carl said. I nodded in agreement. "Carl you were just a baby, and Leah wasn't born yet." I smiled, "lucky me."

We drove another half an hour before coming into what seemed to be a traffic jam. As we pulled forward I could see all the cars piled up, the dead were still inside them. Mom grabbed Carl's hand and I walked over to dad. "We should look around, Leah stay where someone can see you." I nodded looking inside the cars I was pulled out a bag that looked as someone had packed it to survive the apocalypse. I grabbed the bag and made my way over to Carl and Sophia. "You guys find anything cool?" I asked. They both shook their heads, "you get anything Leah?" Carl asked. I shook my head no. Dad started running my way, "under the cars now." He whispered and dove under a car. I pulled Sophia under one with me and clamped my hand over her mouth. "Be quiet." I whispered. Dad looked over at me and nodded, then placed his finger over his lip indicating to be quiet. I was biting my lip trying to keep Sophia quiet. Carl layed on the ground beside me slipping his hand in mine. I put my head on his shoulder careful to keep my hand over her mouth. I watched as dozens of walkers made their way past the vehicles.

When the footsteps had stopped I pulled myself from under the car with Sophia. Just then a walker appeared the same time we got up. Then another one came our way, "run." I cried. We both took off I kept running until I tripped over a root falling down a ditch. When I stood up Sophia was gone. I was deep in the forest by the time I had stopped running, I was lost and was losing light quickly, and had to find somewhere to stay that wasn't in the open. After another hour of walking I found a tree with a huge hole in it. It was small enough that I could slide in, but no grown person could, so there wasn't much chance of a walker coming my way. I leaned my back against the tree and bit my lip to keep from crying.

I spent the night in the tree putting my jacket overtop of me as a blanket. It was a tight squeeze but it felt safe enough. As light crept through the tree crack I took a deep breath and slid out. My stomach was grumbling in pain, and I felt relieved when I saw a blackberry bush ahead. Quickly I pulled a couple off and I kept walking. I looked for the moist ground to try and find my way back to the creek, an hour later I heard a gunshot, it was hard to tell which direction it came from but I started running. By the time I got there I saw nothing except a lot of blood. I closed my eyes in disbelief sliding down against the base of a tree. "Daddy," I called out praying that someone would hear me. "Carl, Mom." I sighed pushing myself back up continuing to walk.

I stayed along the creek, eventually collapsing down beside it setting my feet in the water. I picked up a metal pole that had a sharp point on the end I decided to keep it with me in case any walkers came my way. I found a nice tree that again had a small hole in it. I used my pole to dig it open a bit wider then gathered stray branches and piled them up in front of the opening blocking me from anyone who may pass by. I thought about how worried my parents must be and let a couple tears slide down my face. I hadn't cried in years, not when dad got shot, not even when the world ended, but here I was alone in the woods crying, it felt like no one was coming anytime soon.

Just as I was shutting my eyes to sleep I heard voices coming my way. I pushed my way out of my camp and looked around. I only saw one guy. "Hello." I called out. The man spun around and I recognized Daryl. He ran over to me kneeling down to my eye level. Without thinking I wrapped my arms around him. He sighed picking me up, "Sophia with you?" He asked. I shook my head no, "she's not with you?" Daryl shook his head, "you build yourself this camp?" I nodded, looking as the group stood ahead staring at us. "Where's my mom and dad?" Before he could answer this the rest of them ran over to me. Daryl held up his hand stopping them, "back up, girl don't need y'all crowding round her." I looked at Carol slowly shaking my head indicating that Sophia wasn't with me. She burst into tears turning away, I put my forehead down on Daryls shoulder. "Let's get you back to the cars." I lifted my head, "no we can't leave her." Daryl put his hand on my back, "we ain't leaving her, but we can't lose light out here either." I nodded resting my head down once again.

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