the hatred of light ☁️

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(in which somebody forgets what light means, and learns to heal in such a soft way- requested by Just_A_Pumpkin and I'm sorry for the delays)

It was 2:53 on a Thursday afternoon. The clouds had a shiny tint to them, the sky felt too bright, and everyone seemed to be smiling just a bit too wide. You groaned and looked away, speeding up as you walked towards the strip center. Exhausted by the bright sunlight, you forced a smile and waved slightly. You were three minutes early to your boyfriend's place, per the usual. "Welcome, darling! I'm glad you're here," your therapist called from behind the receptionist desk. Since you were the only one there, you trotted straight back to the only appointment room. He kissed your cheek and followed you matter-of-factly, his lovely little lab coat flowing out as he walked. Blushing, just barely, you sunk into the couch. You were enjoying the dark, soft lava lamps that danced with the dim light from the closed blinds. Turquoise felt clouds hung from the ceiling of the room, and the walls were a deep golden color. Everything was dim, soothing, and decidedly not neon.

You exhaled deeply. The deep blue was a nice color; it was calming change of pace from the brightness your world was drowning in.

Your head was hurting worse than usual, so you shut your eyes as you relaxed. "Goodness, Sylvie, the headaches are getting worse." He wrote a little on his notepad, looking at you thoughtfully. "Have the colors been increasing?" You spoke with a flourish of your hand when you replied, "Neon, neon, and more neon. I can't handle this any longer, they just keep getting brighter!" You rolled off the couch and stared at the ceiling. "I'm tired of being surrounded by so much of it.......I'm even starting to secrete it! Look!" Indeed, you were- around your hand there was a small fuzzy glow. It was barely noticeable, but it was there. Sylvester was staring in awe and took your hand in his, holding it gently and examining it. He was next to you on the carpet where you'd fallen, taking notes about this new development.

"The light is very faint and really patchy in some places, but it's certainly there," he said matter-of-factly. "It's interesting that this is a new development. Your epithet is only growing stronger, isn't it." You groaned. "Interestingly enough, I have another patient whose epithet only hurts them as they grow stronger." He gazed curiously into your eyes. "But hers makes sense, it's actually related to physical pain. Yours is literally 'light'..."

"I thought light was supposed to be a good thing," you said disdainfully.

Sylvie sat for a moment, deep in thought. "Well, is darkness really a bad thing?" You looked at him oddly. "Light and dark gotta both exist, they're not good or bad because they're both needed, aren't they?" You laughed. It's always been that way, hasn't it? Isn't that so weird? Sylvie fidgeted a little and blushed, you didn't notice. "There can be darknesses that...that are light. Can't there?" You stared at the ceiling and thought some more. The clouds turned just a bit in the air. You could feel Sylvie next to you, holding your hand. You turned over to look at him. He was slightly red. You started to say something, opened your mouth, but you were interrupted by a sudden darkness.

This wasn't the dim, distant light of the room. This was something different, warmer. Your eyes were closed, and though you felt like light, it was more of an oasis. Everything was blurry and you felt warm. You were still holding Sylvie's hand, but he was hugging you tightly with his other arm. You breathed; he was soft. When you finally opened your eyes, your faces were still inches from each other and you were blushing so hard. That was an interesting sort of safe darkness.

"I, er, hope you don't mind my being so forward," Sylvie whispered. "I wanted to s-show you what I meant by a darkness that's light-"

You kissed him again. This was a light you quite liked. Maybe this wasn't so bad.

680 words
it's a little short and I had writers block for so long and wow I'm being so forward with this wowie kazowie oh my GOOdness i hope y'all don't mind but I wanted to write something that's a little more oriented the I www!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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