(not a story) Fanfiction writers: Announcement!

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As we all know, it's a challenge to write x-reader fanfictions with good plot and story elements. Staying relatively in character can be pretty hard, and writership itself is challenging as well. I've been a writer for a while, though my stuff is far from perfect. However, I've been told that I know a thing or two, and so I want to help teach creative writing specific to fanfiction.

I'd like to host a weekly dicussion of sorts, where I offer tips and techniques to make your writing better. It won't be as professional as a real creative writing class, but it'll be open, collaborative, and versatile. And if you have any tips or experiences, I'd LOVE to hear your thoughts too!

Hosting on Discord would be easiest in my opinion- i run and moderate multiple servers, so I have experience. I was thinking we could have scheduled discussions on voice chats, but if anybody is uncomfortable with that, we'd have text options too. I want to make sure I'm accommodating to everyone.

Please comment on this, or private message me (here or on discord- Elongated Stingy#0120) if you're interested. If we get enough people who want to participate, I'll make the server. (And don't worry- if you're reading this late, you can join it anytime!)

I hope this can be a fun, collaborative opportunity for us to all grow stronger at writing what we love. Thank you for your consideration, I'd love to see you all there! Have a stellar day!

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