the library ☁️

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(in which a forensic scientist who's bad at science meets a psychologist who's bad at figuring out his own emotions- requested by sno0dle )

Y/N made their way towards the huge double doors as the last notes of the final bell blared. Students' footsteps thundered through the halls, and a haze of conversation blanketed the air. The distressed student grimaced- they kept her head down and avoided everything, walking a couple blocks to the public library. The air grew quieter. They trudged up to the front desk, pulling their library card out of her satchel. Ms. Salamin looked up at her incredulously. "Wow. This is the fourth time you've visited in the past week," she remarked. "Sorry? Uh.." Y/N squirmed. "I've been busy with biology." The lady seemed satisfied, and went back to her work. She sighed. "If you need anything, just ask Mr. Tarbella." A buff, tanned man with a book cart called from the back- "That's me! Indus Tarbella, whose epithet is barrier!" Everyone shushed him. He apologized, his goofy smile still bright. Y/N chuckled, and went to sit at one of the study tables.

The clock ticked away the afternoon....the clouds began to blush...and fatigue settled in with Y/N. As the sky melted into darkness, a faint glow suddenly rose from the corner. Y/N pried their eyes away from their biology work to investigate- they were...fairy lights? In a library? Their bones creaked as they waddled over to the corner. A sign above the book section read "Psychology and Mental Health". They peeked in the corner behind the shelves and saw a pastel salmon-haired boy who looked about their age. He was curled up among lots of pillows and blankets, reading a thick college textbook. A couple of the pillows even looked like little golden sheep. Y/N's eyebrows rose. "Now THAT'S studying." At their remark, the boy looked up at them like a frightened lamb. "AaaA hello-!" He brandished his book like a shield. "Whoa whoa, it's okay!" Y/N assured him. "What's your name?" He regained his composure. "Dr. Sylvester Ashling, master epithet psychologist." His voice had a smug, yet sweet tone to it. "But you can just call me Sylvie." "Nice to meet you. I'm Y/N, uh...local student in pain." He looked slightly concerned. "Are you alright?" "Oh, yeah, it's fine," they replied. "I'm just reeeeally tired of studying for biology right now." Sylvie visibly perked up. "I love science please let me help you biology is so much fun oh my goodness-!" Y/N grinned. "Aaa, you're a lifesaver."

Sylvie sat down in the seat next to Y/N and looked at the laptop screen. His eyes lit up as he concentrated. His hands flew to the keys and gracefully clicked away. Y/N stared, dumbfounded. "Whoa, you're amazing..." He snapped to reality, looking to their astonished face. "Oh! I'm sorry! I should probably be explaining my thought process and teaching you-!" "No no, it's fine. I've heard enough of all this, anyway, I'm just no good at studying, I can't focus." "Actually, I get that." Sylvie went back to work, the reflection of the screen in his glasses. He noticed another tab open, but it was cut off and he couldn't read it. He clicked on it- it was an article titled 'The Science of Forensics- for Dummies.' "Dude, forensics are super cool! Is this why you're so worried about science?" Y/N sheepishly nodded. "If you keep working hard, I believe you can do anything." He adjusted his glasses and they almost glowed. "Just look at me! Despite everyone not taking me seriously and calling me dumb, I've got a PhD!" THUNK. Sylvie whipped around to see that Y/N's chair had toppled. "Wha- are you okay?! What the heck happened?!" Their eyes were wide. "You...have a...PhD?!" she said in disbelief. "That's PHENOMENAL!" Sylvie was taken aback by their response, so much so that he started to blush. "You really think so? You, uh, don't think it's weird and pretentious?" Y/N grinned. "No, it's amazing." They sat, just holding each other's respectful gaze for a moment. "I should probably get up." the crumpled Y/N said. "Yeah you should." "Yep." "Yeah..." Sylvie reached down and grabbed their hand, pulling them up. They fixed their chair (and it was ever so closer to Sylvie, though neither of them noticed.)

They continued working as the sky faded and the warm lights of the library grew brighter, until they started clicking off, one by one. Ms. Salamin walked back to the study tables. "Ah, are they staying with you tonight?" Sylvie looked to Y/N- they were confused and flustered. "Do you wanna go home, or do you need to keep working?" "Um. I need to eat, and sleep." Y/N replied. "Uh, don't you?" Sylvie laughed. "You saw my room over there, what do you mean?" Y/N was taken aback. "You live in a library? That's so cool!" They glanced at Ms. Salamin. "But is it...ok? With the librarians?" "Bold of you to assume I care about anything, kid." Ms. Salamin replied. "I'm just doing this to pay the bills, and the fast food expenses." Sylvie grinned smugly. "He probably takes better care of this place then I do, to be honest!" He hugged his textbook. "All this wonderful knowledge deserves it, doesn't it?" Y/N nodded. "Yes indeed, although, my parents will probably get mad if I don't go home soon, so I'm probably going to be on my way..." "Ok, pack up, then. I've gotta go get gourmet McDonald's dinner, so we're closing up early. Will you lock up for me, Sylvie?" Ms. Salamin asked. "Sure thing! I'll walk Y/N home first." "Wh-wha?? I, uh, you don't have to do that, it's fine-!" they said, blushing. "And how are you going to lock up if you're not inside?" Sylvie reached into his pocket and pulled out a key ring, with a little gold sheep keychain. He twirled it around his finger. "Ah, you never cease to surprise me," Y/N giggled. They looked up to say goodbye to Ms. Salamin, but she was already gone.

The streetlamps danced on the pavement. It wasn't wet, but the air smelled of rain. Sylvie pulled his hoodie up, and moved a little closer to Y/N in their F/C tshirt. "Are you suuuure you aren't cold?" he asked. Y/N snorted when they laughed. "I'm fine, I promise! There's no need for you to worry about me." Sylvie was still a bit concerned. "Your cheeks are rosy, though..." They replied, "Oh, trust me. That isn't from the cold." The fluffy child pondered. "But why else would you-oh." He started blushing too. They walked in silence for a minute, smiling quietly. "Thank you for helping me, Sylvie." Y/N said. He pushed up his glasses. "I love to help people, it's what I do," His composure became fuzzy and less defined. "but if you, wanna, y'know...wanna do this again sometime, then please don't hesitate to ask!" Y/N suddenly hugged him. "Of course! You're really cool!" He was so flustered. He thought to himself. 'Gah, this is so unprofessional! But I suppose...I can make an exception, every once in a while.' He hugged Y/N back and, for once, let himself go.

<1213 words>
If you'd like to request your own, please do so anywhere in the comments! sno0dle , thank you for your request! I hope you all enjoyed, have a stellar day!

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