Day 2

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I rolled over and shut it off. I put my feet on the warm floor and got out of bed. I yawn and rubbed the sleep from my eyes with a quick stretch. I walked over to my window and pulled open the curtains to see a the sun rising in the distances. I gazed at the sight for a little bit before walking over to my dresser. I pulled out my clothes and set them on top at my dresser. I got undress and put on my uniform with the help of the light from the sun that stone into my room. I brushed my teeth and tried to comb my hair. I put on my socks then my red shoes. I grabbed my bag and opened the door to the hallway. I felt like I was forgetting something but I couldn't tell what. i shrugged it off and walked out, shutting and locking me door behind me. 

I walked down to the kitchen, everyone was there getting breakfast. I sat down at the breakfast bar and set my bag on the floor beside me. I looked up and seen Todoroki cooking some eggs on the stove. He got down two plates and two forks. I watch as he moves the eggs onto the plates. Shoto turned off the stove and picked up the plates. He turned around and his eyes met mine.

"Good, your up. Breakfast, my love." He said putting the fork and plate of eggs in front of me. I smiled at him as he moved around the counter and kissed my neck as he passed me. He set the other fork and plate down then sat in the seat next to me.

"How'd you sleep?"

"I would have slept better with you." I stated taking my first bite. I felt something grip onto my upper thigh, it sent a shiver through my body. I looked down and seen the hand. I followed the arm to Todoroki, which sent any other shiver through my body.

"It's going to be okay, I promise." He said and pulled his hand away. We finished our breakfast and started on our way to school. Todoroki held my hand as we walked. When we walked into class, we took our seats at our normal seats. Kacchan turned around in his seat to face me and he hands me his notebook.

"Here, you can copy my damn notes, Deku." He said putting it on my desk.

"T-thanks, K-kacchan." I said putting the notebook in my bag with shaky hands. Kacchan opened his mouth to speak but before he could Aizawa and All Might entered the classroom.

"Welcome back Midoriya and Todoroki. You two have three days, so Friday, to make up the work you two have missed. Midoriya, All Might needs to speak to you out in the hall." Aizawa directed in a tired voice. I nodded and it was obvious that I was nervous. I was visibly shaking as I stood up. I walked behind the class and passed Todoroki.

"Your fine. It's going to be okay." He whispered to me as I passed him. I made my way to the door and All Might opened it. He held the door as I walked through in the hallway. He shut the door behind him. 

"Calm down, young Midoriya. The school has some questions to ask you and they think you'd be more comfortable with me rather then the other teachers." He said. I nodded. "We can talk here or go to the teacher's lounge?"

"I w-will feel m-m-more comfortable in the l-lounge, i-if that's okay?" I got really nervous, wondering what he was going to ask.

"Of course." He said and we start to walk down the hall. After going down some stairs and hallways, we finally reach the room. He opens the door and I enter. There was a few teachers in there but after they seen All Might, they nodded and left the room. Before shutting the door, All Might put something on the other side. I took a seat on the couch and he sat in a chair acrossed from me.

"How are you doing, young Midoriya?" 

"Fine." I responded as my leg bounced up and down.

"Explain what your type of fine is."

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