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Hello, I'm Izuku Midoriya. I'm 16 years old and I'm going to catch you up. We will start in the beginning, I was not born with a quirk. Fast forward to grade school, I had a really good friend named Kacchan. Our mom's were best friends, so it was destiny for us to be best friends. Or so I thought, we got along until middle school. Kacchan had start to bully me and called me Deku, which means useless. In front of our moms, we would get along so he wouldn't get into trouble.

Even without a quirk, I still wanted to get into UA and become a hero. Kacchan found this out, he started to beat me and then told me something I would never forget.

"Go take a swan dive off the ruff."

Believe me, after he left, I went to the ruff and stare out over the edge. If my childhood friend wouldn't care, why would anyone. I was debating on jumping, but I didn't because my mother kept flashing in my head. I couldn't take her only child away. I stepped back from the edge and walked home. I didn't tell my mom what happened that day. No, instant, I went to my room and cried. When she left for work around midnight, I found myself sitting on the floor in the bathroom. A razor blade in my hand. I don't remember where I got it from but I do remember the feel of relief when I made the first cut. 

At the end of that month, my forearms and thighs were covered in cuts. My mother didn't notice because I kept wearing pants and long sleeves. If she seen the bandages by accident, I would tell her I fell at school, she believed me. But she stopped believing me, after two months because something big had happened. Kacchan would beat and it was roughest it had ever been that day. I couldn't take it. I went to the bathroom before my mom had left for work. I had cut too deep and I fell to the floor. My mom ran into the bathroom, seeing me on the floor, bleeding. She called an ambulance. I woke up in the hospital the next day and the doctors prescribed Ant-depressants. 

I got better and everything started to go up hill from that. I meant All Might, I have a quirk, I got into UA, and I made so many friends. Kacchan doesn't bully my as much anymore. Everything was going great until two months into going to UA. Mom was on a plane for a business trip when it crashed, killing everyone inside. Of course, I was upset about this, but I didn't tell anyone about what happened. One month after the crash, I had a job but only could afford the basics. A place to stay, food, stuff to clean with and etc, but not enough for my medication. Its been a week since I ran out and couldn't take them. And that brings you up to date to today.

Present Day

I wake up to see the light shining in through the window. I sit up in my bed. I have to get ready for school, but the voice in my head tells me otherwise. 

Worthless Deku...                                  No one would care...                               No one would miss you...  

                          Stupid...                         worthless...                        A burned to everyone...     

                                                                    Take a swan dive off the ruff...

I couldn't take it. I went to the bathroom. I grabbed the razor and made the first cut in along time. I did it again and again until there was three marks on my forearm than I moved to put some on my thigh. The voices stopped. After they did, I did and it hit me. People are going to see the ones on my arms. I wrap them up, getting ready for school and hoping we don't have to get into our gym wear. 

I leave for school and when I get in the room, Uraraka runs up to me. Honestly, I'm surprised that no one has notice my mood change over the past week and happy because if they did they would question me about it. 

"Hey, Deku, I'm having a sleepover at my house this weekend. Everyone's coming, you want to come?" Deku is my hero name, now.

"Sorry, I can't. I have plans." I did have plans, they weren't the best plans but I still had them.

"Oh okay, maybe next time." I walk away, heading to my seat. I look around the class and catch the bi-colored haired boy staring at me. He doesn't look away so I turn around and I could feel his stare burn into my back. I was about to say something but Aizawa walked in.

"Get in your gym wear and come to the field." He said then left the room. Shit. Everyone gets up from their seats and starts to head to the locker room. I walk into the locker room. I can't change in front of them, they'll see the cuts, scars, and bandages. I fiddle with my locker, not opening it, act as if it wouldn't open. Once I think everyone had left,I open my locker. I take off my shirt and I look at the bandages on my arm. I pull of my pants and the cuts on my thigh was exposed. I grab my gym pants and put them on. After my pants are pulled up my pants, I hear someone behind me. I turn around to see them.


"Midoriya, what happened there?" He asked pointed to my forearm.

"I-I just fell."

"I don't believe you."

"If you don't believe me, than what happened?"I acted like I was getting mad but really I was scared about him knowing.

"Well, if I'm correct. Whatever you did to you thigh, you did to your forearm." I didn't say anything, he was spot on.

"Midoriya, if you are doing this. I need to tell someone about it." I grip on to his arms as he says this.

"NO, please don't" I pleaded.

"Fine, but promise you won't do it again."

"I can't."

"I heard you say no to Uraraka about her invitation. So, do you have planned?"


"You told her you had plans." He pause for me to speak but I didn't. "Come to the sleepover with me and I won't tell." I nod knowing this is my only way out.

Time Skip to after School

I'm seating at my desk in my room. Todoroki had told me to wait until he came by to walk me to her house for the sleepover. I was staring out the window when the voices came back.

    A burden to Todoroki...                             Selfish...                                   Worthless...

I wanted  them to stop, so I went to the bathroom and pulled out three different pill bottles. I open each and everyone of them. My phone buzzes but  I don't care. I empty one bottle in my palm. My phone buzzes. I empty another bottle in my palm. My phone rings, telling me someone is calling. I empty the last bottle. My phone rings again. I take all the pills in my mouth and wash them down with water. I sit on the floor in the bathroom as I hear someone knocking on the door. I start to feel colder as I hear a loud bang down the hallway with loud footsteps getting closer.

Todoroki stood in the doorway of the bathroom. He looks at the empty pill bottles then at me. He pulls out his phone and calls someone. I could not tell what he was saying because my hearing became fuzzy. After my vision became blurry, I vomited all over myself and the floor.

Silent Cries for Help- TodoDeku- AngstHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin