Where are You?

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Todoroki left that the house and I hear the engine of the car fade away.

     Why did you do that...

          You just ruined everything...

              Like you always do...

                    You are worthless...

                        This is your chance to end it all...

                             If you end it, he would not get hurt...

                                  Do it before he returns...

The voices ran around my head. I drop to my knees, my hands covering my eyes as the tears streamed down my face. 'I don't want to. I love him.'

He doesn't love you, it was all a lie.

'No it wasn't, was it?' I looked up from my hands and watching them tremble.

The cabinet is unlocked

I slowly rose to my feet, dragging them behind me. I slowly make my way to the kitchen and I stand in front of the unlocked cabinet, staring at it. My hands shake as they open the doors and pull out a blade. I hold it in my hand as I slowly make my way to my room. I set the knife on the bed and grab my phone. I pull up notes and start to type. When I finish writing, I grab the blade and head down stairs. I place my phone on the counter with the letter to him pulled up. 

'I don't what to do this.'

It will make everyone happier

I shuffle to the back door. I pull it open and walk through, not shutting it behind me. I walk off into the woods behind the house. I keep walking until I could no longer see the house. Taking a seat on a fallen tree, I stare down at the knife in my hand. My reflection in the shinning blade. It showed me how sad and tired I looked. The tear stains that were painted on my face.

Worthless... weak... disappointment... useless... unwanted... unloved... just go through with it

I thought about it, I didn't want to just make one cut and be done. I would relieve all my stress first then when I am calm and ready to go, I will. I pull up my sleeve of the hoodie. Pulling the blade to be placed on my wrist. I laid the sharp point on my bare skin, it was cold. The coldness of the blade sent a shiver through my shine. I pressed and dragged it acrossed my skin. 

'One, Kacchan.' I began to list off my troubles after every cut. I would go back and forth between my left and right arm.

'Two, fake friends

Three, mom's passing

Four, weak

Five, a waste of time to everyone I met

Six, making people worry

Seven, taking All Might's quirk when he could have given it to someone more worthy

Eight, being a terrible friend

 Nine, hurting the ones I loved

Ten, making Todoroki put up with me.'

A tear ran down my cheek, thinking about the last one.  I placed the blade so it was lined up with my vein. It was hovering over my skin when I heard a faint yell. I looked up and it grew louder. I couldn't make out what it was and who was yelling.

Hurry up and do it, do everyone a favor and end it

The voice in my head seemed to be yelling to block out what was being called in the woods. I looked down at the blade and placed it on my skin.


I was still in the daze from the kiss as I drove back to the house. I had the food in the passenger seat, along with a small bouquet of flowers for Midoriya. There was a small card connected to it and I was going to give it to him. I was finally going to ask him out. 

The card read, 'Izuku Midoriya, will you be my boyfriend? ~Todo'

I was so exited to give it to him. When I finally pulled into the driveway, I stepped out of the car. I grabbed the food in one hand and held the flower behind my back in the other. I opened the front door and didn't see him in the living room. I walked to the kitchen and placed the food on the counter beside his phone. It was on and it caught my attention when I seen the first two words on the screen, 'Dear Todoroki'.

I placed the flowers down and picked up the phone and started to read:

' Dear Todoroki, 

I'm so sorry, I tried to hold back but I can't. I'm too weak. I'm sorry for dragging you into my problems. I'm sorry I'm a waste of time. I should have jumped off the building when I was on the roof. No one would have stopped me and I would not have hurt anyone. By time you get home, I should be gone. Don't look for me, there would be no point, I would be dead. This is the best way to make everyone happier. Even though it doesn't matter but I love you ~ Izuku'

I placed the phone down and tears rushed to my eyes. I fought them back as I seen the cabinet open. One knife was missing from the block. I turned around and run upstairs. He wasn't in his room or his bathroom. I ran back downstairs and to the living room. The sliding door was open. I ran out and looked all around to find any sign of the sad boy but there was nothing. I looked down, ready to break down into tear, when I saw it. It was his shoe tracks. I followed them into the woods.

"MIDORIYA!" I yelled desperately, but there was no reply. I kept running, following the tracks.

"MIDORIYA!" I repeatably yelled hoping for him to reply. Please, Oh God, Please be okay. I kept running until his tracks began to fade. No, No, I need to find him.  I slowed my place to try to follow the faded tracks. 

I was about to give up. I looked around one last time, in hope of finding him. It was hard to spot his fluffy green hair, but I did. I ran in that direction. I slowed down to a walk as he became more visible. The green fluffy haired boy, the knife, the blood.

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