Swimming Pt.2

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He had a great idea on getting in the pool. It was a hot day and the water felt nice. I slowly got into the pool as he sat by the towels with his feet in the water, staring at me. What is he thinking about? What is going through his beautiful mind right now? 

Once I'm fully in the water, I walk over to where his feet id dangling. I place my hands on his knees and look up into his bright green eyes. For the past few weeks, they have been bright. It makes me happy, knowing that he is getting through this.

"Are you going to get in or just me?"

"I'm not sure. Both are enjoyable." He smiled down at me. I wanted to kiss him at that moment but he sat too tall. 

"Come here."

"I'm already here." He teases me and I know it. I roll my eyes.

"You brought this upon yourself." I smile and pull him off the pool's ledge. He quickly wrapped his legs around me and his hands gripped onto my shoulders. I used the wall of the pool and one of my hands to hold him up. I tilt his chin up a bit with my other hand. Hovering my lips over his, I stare into his eyes. He's breath is warm. 

"Well, are you going to kiss me or just stand there?" Izuku whispered. I smiled and pressed my lips against kiss. He slowly snaked his arms around my neck. After a while in the kiss, I walk farther from the walk and drop him in the water. He quickly takes in a breath of air before going under. I smiled at him as he stood up from the water.

"Jerk! You are a jerk!" He yelled at me and pushed me away. He looked away in anger, it was so cute. I couldn't help but chuckle. He snapped his head to look at me. "What's so funny, Shoto?"

"You are so adorable when your mad." I started to walk toward him. He gasped at me responds and splashed me with the water.

"No, I'm not." He turned away and started to walk to the end of the pool to get out. I moved quickly and pulled him up bridal style. He wrapped his arms around my neck so I wouldn't drop him again. He glared at him as I walked us to the farther part of the pool.

"I won't be able to touch here. If you drop him, I will sleep in my own bed tonight." He stared up at me. I smiled at him and let go. I forgot his arms around my neck. He pulled himself up and wrapped his legs around me again. 

"You are being a dick." He glared at me.

"But you love me." I teased and it made his face glow red.

"Take me back." He wined.

"Why should I do that? You said your not going to sleep in my bed." I moved my hands to his but to hold him up.

"You did that to yourself."

"I'll take you back, he you change your mind."


"Alright." I let go of him but he held himself up.

"I'm smarter than that." He laughed.

"Fine." I put my hands back and walked him back where he come touch. He unwrapped his leg but I still held him close.

"You can let go now."

"Not till you take it back." I said looking down at him. He caught me by surprise. He jumped up and kissed me. I moved one of my hands to his cheek but he quickly pulled away and swam away from me.

"You say I'm a jerk. You kissed me for your own advantage."

"You dropped me in the water in the middle of one." He argued.

"Okay, lets call it even then." He nodded his head st my suggestion. He pulled himself up onto the ledge.

"Where are you going?" I called him as He grabbed a towel and walked for the door.

"I have to get my stuff out of your room and put them in mine." He called closing the door. I got out of the pool and picked up the other towel. I wrapped it around my waist as I tried to open it. He locked the door. I walked around the house to the front door and it was unlocked. I walked into the house.

"You forgot to lock the front door." I called as I seen him carrying all my hoodies from my room to his. He smirked at me before slamming the door. I ran up the steps and turned the door knob. He locked it again.

"Those aren't your's" I yelled through the door.

"Yes they are. You signed them away, the second you asked me out." He called.

"If you don't unlock this door, I'm going to burn it down like the bathroom downstairs." I heard the click in the door. I opened it and caught a glimpse of him before he shut the bathroom door. I swear, I'm going to take to lock off of every door in the damn house. I walk to the door and knock.

"Can you, please, stop locking me out?"

"The door isn't locked." I placed my hand on the doorknob. Should I open it? I decide to open it and look at Izuku sitting on the sink. I walk over to him and look at him. He was wearing one of mine hoodies, my favorite one. I rest my hands on his thighs.

"You can wear that one, if you sleep in my room."

"Hmmm... what else do I get?"

"My hoodie and cuddles."

"And..." He wanted more?

"What else do you want?" I asked him confused. He smiled at me and wrapped his legs around my torso. He pulled me closer to him and rested his hands on my shoulders. He genteel pressed his soft lips against mine. He pulled away after a while. He stared into my eyes.

"The other thing I want is..."  

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