"Can you hear them?" Sarah asks, panicked for her friend.

"His father's dead." Scott tells them and Sarah's eyes widen. She wanted him to protect himself, not kill his dad. "They think he was murdered."

"Did they say he was a suspect?" Sarah asks.

"I don't think so, why?" Scott frowns.

"Because they can lock him in a holding cell for 24 hours." Stiles replies.

"You mean like overnight?" Scott asks in disbelief.

"During the full moon." Sarah sighs, thinking that all of this was her fault.

"How food are the holding cells holding people?" Scott frowns.

"People? Good. Werewolves? Probably not so good." Stiles answers.

"Stiles, remember how i said i don't have an urge to maim and kill?" Scott asks and Stiles nods. "He does." They all get changed from Lacrosse practice and go into Mr Harris' class, meanwhile, Jackson is being interrogated by Stilinski.

"How often have you witnessed them fighting?" Stilinski asks.

"All the time you think Isaac got that black eye from lacrosse? We wear helmets." Jackson scoffs.

"You knew Isaac's father was hitting him?" Stilinski asks in disbelief.

"Hitting him? He was kicking the crap out of him." Jackson tells them. "And I'm not the only one who knows."

"Well, who else knows?" Stilinski frowns.

"Your daughter." Jackson says and Stilinski's eyes widen, he sends a deputy to Sarah's class and asks if she can leave class. Sarah follows the deputy to the principal's office, who is now Gerard and she takes a seat in front of her dad.

"What is this about?" She asks nervously.

"Isaac Lahey's father was murdered last night." Stilinski tells her, she keeps her expression neutral, gaining a peculiar look from her dad. "Are you going to react?"

"You want me to feel sorry for him?" Sarah asks, shaking her head. "Isaac has spent most of his childhood fearing the man who should make him feel loved, his father locked him away for most of his life and beat the crap out of him when he didn't do what he said."

"You knew about his father hitting him?" Stilinski asks, not believing his daughter would let something like that go on.

"You think I wanted him to? I begged Isaac to let me tell the police or tell you, but he protested, he shouted at me when I suggested it." Sarah scoffs. "I would say a lot more than i am, but i feel like it would do more harm than good."

"Okay, thanks Sarah. You can go back to class." Stilinski sighs, rubbing his eyes.

"Sure thing, Dad." She sighs and walks out of the office without another word, she looks at the chair where Scott and Stiles were sat, Scott gives her a sympathetic look. Scott gets called into the principal's office and Sarah waits outside for him to finish. "Finally." She sighs, watching Scott leave the office. "We need to get to the station." She tells him, he nods and they rush out of the school, locking eyes on a black camaro.

"Get in." Derek tells them both.

"Are you serious? You did that. That's your fault." Scott protests.

"It's mine." Sarah sighs. "Just get in." Sarah tells him as she sits in the backseat, allowing Scott to go in the front.

"I've got a better idea. I'm going to call a lawyer. Because a lawyer might actually have a chance of getting him out of there before the moon goes up." Scott protests.

Inexplicable (DEREK HALE)Where stories live. Discover now