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A ray of sunlight was shining brightly in Sakurai's eyes which made her wake up from her deep slumber. Stretching her arms out, Sakurai decided to walk towards the toilet to clean herself up. A few minutes later, she went out of the toilet fully clothed but her hair was still wrapped with a towel. She went to look at the window and saw a cute little bird nest, sitting on a tree branch near her window. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind blew and a few seconds later, she found out that the nest fell to the ground. The mother might be looking for it when she comes back, poor thing.

Without any hesitation, Sakurai went out of the room to take a look at the fallen bird nest. Yes, she did go out with a towel on her head because she knew that no one was going to see her that day. That's what she thought. Anyway, she went down and saw a small bird nest and heard chirping of birds. Is it the little birdie ? she muttered. She searched for the source of the sound and just like what she thought, two tiny birds were on the ground, unable to climb up the tree. Grabbing the bird nest, Sakurai put both of them in it. Then, she climbed up the tree in order to put back the nest to where it belongs. Moments later, the mother bird came with food in her beak. The mother was feeding it's babies which made Sakurai smile. She didn't get to experience many memories with her mother, because of that accident.

Looking at the sky, she mumbled, I miss you oka-san. Tears started to form in her eyes but she didn't care much about it for now. No one was there watching her, so she didn't see any problem top cry. She was going to climb down the tree but, she accidentally step on a branch. It snapped. Sakurai was shocked but she couldn't seem to be able to save herself before the fall. She closed her eyes, knowing that she'll be lying on the hard ground and broke her shoulder even more. However, she didn't hear any thud sound from anywhere, rather, she fell onto a pair of arms. She opened her eyes -

And was greeted with a pair of ocean blue eyes

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And was greeted with a pair of ocean blue eyes. It was Nanase Haruka. She was shocked on why he was suddenly there and the fact that she was still wearing the towel on her head, made her look back down.

"Why are you here ?"

"Is that what you say to a person that just save you ?"

Sakurai stay silent. She really didn't expect Haru to be the one saving her from the fall. Plus, today is a Saturday, weren't he supposed to be practicing ? She thought Haru will put her down later but, she was still on his arms.

"What are you doing ? Put me down"

Haru didn't say anything after that, rather, he walked away from the tree with Sakurai in his arms. Sakurai was shocked and she hit his chest countless times, to let him put her down. However all her efforts were useless as Haru continue the walk until they were in front of Sakurai's room. Haru went near to her ear and said,

"Say thank you and I'll put you down"

Sakurai gulped. He was too close to her and she didn't know what to do. Giving up, she thanked him like what he asked and later, she was standing on her two feet, in front of the door. She entered the door and immediately close it but Haru manage to stop the door before the door was totally closed. Sakurai put her back onto the door and said,

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