Training Camp from Hell

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Few days later, the Iwatobi members along with Ms Amakata were able to get to the island thanks to Coach Sasabe and his grandfather's squid fishing boat. If only they were not a new established club, they would be able to get some money from the school for this camp but unfortunately they are new. In order to save their money, they use tents instead of renting hotel rooms or homestay as it can cut off some of their budget for the accommodation.

Knowing that this is their first ever training camp, Gou had all of their training regiments planned out just for it so that all of the members be able to achieve their goal in the prefecturals.

As they just arrived, Gou told them that they would start their training on that very first day which surprised the members but they can't do anything about it as she is the manager of the club after all. Gou explains to them that they need to swim from one island to another and after arrive back to the island they are now, a full course running awaits them. That's not the only thing, they need to do all of it for three times until they can actually have a proper rest.

With that, Nagisa and Rei immediately jump into the sea water to officially starts their training, followed by Sakurai who was busy enjoying the sea breeze before enters the calming ocean. However, Makoto was just standing while spacing out after staring at the ocean. Haru noticed that and he actually felt a little bit of worry for Makoto. Makoto eventually realise that Haru was looking at him so he just smiled and replied that he's going to be just fine so Haru doesn't need to be so concern about him. Well, who wouldn't be worried if your friend who once had a tragedic incident with the ocean, will be okay with the thought of going back to the ocean even when he may or may not already overcome his trauma.

Both of the boys catch up with Nagisa, Rei and Sakurai and they had a splendid time together in the ocean. As Rei was a member from the track team in Iwatobi, it is not doubt that he was the fastest among them when it comes to the running course. He may not be the fastest in the water but he is very much a king on land. Anyhow, they manage to finish all of the training for that day around 7pm which is right before they had their dinner.

Talking about dinner, they only manage to eat pizza that Coach Sasabe packed them for as he is a pizza delivery guy after all, along with some mackerels that Haru had packed. It may not be a delightful dinner but it is enough for them to fill up their stomach.

After their meal, everyone were just doing some stuff before sleeping for the night but Sakurai on the other hand, is still not satisfied with the meal they had during dinner. You can't blame her though, she is a big eater but she doesn't have the courage to eat a lot for dinner when the food that were served were only pizza and mackerels. Thankfully, she brought along some of her money to the island in case if she was going to face any emergency and this is one kind of it.

Not knowing where the nearby shop or convenient store is, Sakurai intended to just walk wherever her legs bring her to and before she could take any steps further, she heard some sounds that came out from somewhere nearby. But she couldn't figure out exactly where it came from.

Curious, she walked to find the source of the sound, ignoring the original intention she left the camp site earlier. Most definitely she needs to give some explanation to the others but that is totally not the case right now.

Then, she saw lights coming out from a building which she presume it might be some kind of a court. Listening carefully, she found out that the source of the sound she heard earlier was most probably in there so she decided to take a peek from the door. There, she saw a figure jumping high up in the air and within a few seconds, hits the ball that has been thrown to him to the other side of the court.

Amaze with what she just saw, Sakurai accidentally stepped on a tin can which cause a loud crack noise to be heard. Because of that, the figure immediately turns around alongside his other friend who she hasn't notice earlier, maybe because she was completely focused to the flying figure just now.

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