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The next day, Sakurai woke up feeling not much excited like she usually do as she knew that the whole day, she will be spending her time to meet Doctor Nakamoto. Not to mention about the long trip to Kyoto by riding on trains, it really is going to be a long day for her. She went to pick some clothes from her wardrobe ; a black and red striped turtleneck, a blue-black jeans and a black blazer. Plus, a red headband with her hair down. She wanted to be as smart as possible but casual at the same time as Doctor Nakamoto is her personal doctor after all or more like, the Seijuro's family doctor.

That's why she needs to be at least decent looking, in case she bump into any of her family members. But she hopes she will not meet any of them or else rumours of her continuing swimming will spread in her family and high chance she might be transferred to another school before she had the chance to even join the upcoming prefectural.

She made some toast and ate it with strawberry jam, just to feel up her stomach as she was planning to stop by some convenience store after meeting the doctor. The door was closed and she immediately put her keys into her small handbag, so she will not misplace it. The ride with train from Iwatobi to Kyoto took around three hours but Sakurai seems fine with it, thanks for the airpods and a powerbank, she can use her phone to the fullest, just to entertain herself.

At the hospital :

Sakurai is now in front of the main entrance of a hospital, specifically the hospital where she will be meeting Doctor Nakamoto. Looking at the tall building, she was reminded with her past on how that place was where she went when she got her injury back in the days. She closed her eyes and then enters the hospital, approaching the main counter. Thankfully, she was able to meet Doctor Nakamoto few minutes after as there were no one else going to meet him during that time except for her. Looking at the doctor's door, she knocked it and received a come in from the doctor.

Now, she's sitting in front of him with a cup of tea served in front of her. She was really hoping that the session will end as soon as possible but turns out it didn't turn out like the way she expected it to be.

"Now Ms Sakurai, may I know when exactly do you feel painful at your shoulder ?"

"It was after I swam the butterfly stroke during a training camp few days ago"

"I see.. You just said, after you swam the butterfly stroke. So, does that mean you were fine doing other strokes ?"


"Then why do you suddenly doing the butterfly stroke ? You do know that stroke requires a lot of shoulder movements"

"Well, it was just because someone challenged me to and you do know
that I'm not backing down from such things. So yeah"

"In that case, let me check your shoulder"

The whole checking up her shoulder test was making Sakurai felt bored. It was just too long for her, staying in that hospital. Plus, she was also worried if any of her family members are going to him too and if that happens, she will regret her decision on coming there. After what it felt like forever for Sakurai, the doctor says that her shoulder is looking fine for now but she needs to take more rest from any hardcore training. Doctor Nakamoto even made a medical certificate (MC) that excuses her from any school activities for two weeks which made Sakurai shocked.

She was only there to check up on her shoulder and wasn't expecting to receive a MC that tells her to not do anything for two weeks which is insane as she needs to train for the prefecturals. Plus, if she actually going to do rest for that long, it will only cause suspicion among the Iwatobi members which is not good as she's going to keep her injury a secret from them, no matter what. Observing how Sakurai was hesitant to take the MC, Doctor Nakamoto then says,

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