Chapter 10

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Today was our one month anniversary. Nathan had planned out this day all by himself... well with the help of Lily of course.

She had went to my house earlier that day and picked out this outfit she had deemed 'appropriate yet hot.' She wouldn't tell me what was going on because she didn't even know what was going on herself. She said all she was told to do was pick out an outfit that I would wear and to make it a tad bit more formal.

After I had finished changing she curled my hair and helped me with my makeup then, boom she was out the door in no time telling me how I better call her later to tell her all the juicy details. A little after she left Nathan had arrived at my house with yet again more flowers.

So now here I was, sitting in Nathan's car as he drove to some destination I had not one clue about. I do know however that he was nervous.
I could tell by the way he always fidgets around until the feeling has passed. Today he seemed to be seriously and I do mean seriously, nervous.

We stopped at some house I had never seen before in my entire life. It was a white shaded, big house with pillars on each side connecting the floor to the second story, that also had another set of pillars that connected the floors to the roof. The trees and plants looked so beautiful, freshly trimmed and aligned perfectly, the grass was even this fine shade of green. There were french doors on the top floor where it opened up to the balcony. The house looked beautiful yet expensive.

It was surrounded by other expensive looking type of houses as well. The neighborhood just was not the neighborhood I grew up in. I mean my house is nice and it is kind of big but not as big as these houses. Not to mention the neighborhood was quiet and screamed high class, while my neighborhood was quiet yet was an average kind of suburban neighborhood. In other words, I had no clue why we were here.

We got out of the car and walked up the steps to the house and stopped at the door when Nathan finally turned to me, grabbing both of my hands he looked at me square in the eyes. "Look by now you should know how serious I am about you and how serious this relationship is, even in the short time we have been together. But there is one thing I need to do- one thing that will prove to you how serious and committed I am to this relationship." I nod cautiously, where was he going with this? He let's go of my right hand and opens the door to the house where voices are heard echoing down the halls. "That is..."

"Nathan honey is that you?" An older females voice asks from somewhere inside the house.

"Yes mom it's me!" He yells back, never breaking eye contact with me, he tugs me inside the house with him. "Meet my parents."

His parents? Excuse me but what? No I don't think I hear that right... He hasn't even mentioned them all that much and now he brings me here at his house, shoving me through the front door- okay not exactly shoving but more like guiding me in but still! I should have brought something for them. Hell I should have worn something better! I'm wearing a crop top! I hurry up and zip up my leather jacket half-way, enough to cover my stomach, then quickly hold Nathan's hand again. My anxiety is through the roof now. Is it just me or does the floor suddenly look so comfortable?

The voices get louder as we near around the corner and suddenly we had entered what looks to be the living room. The couches were white, which was probably such a killer to keep clean, there was also such beautiful paintings hung up on the walls, and there was a huge flat screen tv in the center of the left wall.

The conversations in the room had all at once stopped as soon as we entered and everyone in the room was now gaping at us.

"Hey uh I hope you guys don't mind I brought my girlfriend over for dinner." They gape some more. I look at Nathan and scowl at him. So this wasn't just a surprise for me but also his family too! Great.

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