Chapter 21

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"No." He shakes his head. "I don't just think that. I know." He smiles. "I'm in love with you Annabeth." And his smile widens as if those words were finally free and he was free to say them. He looked happy, clearly opposite of what I had felt.

"Nope. Trust me you don't and you don't want to." I sit up, fixing myself for no apparent reason just to avoid any other unnecessary confrontation I know I can't avoid any longer. But hey I can delay it right? Be in total denial?

"No? Well that wasn't quite the answer I was expecting." He sits up.

"Well I don't know what you were expecting me to say but I can guarantee you that you won't hear it from me." I stand up. "Can we go now?" It wasn't even a question really, all I wanted was to get the hell away from here and forget the entire night had even happened. I knew I shouldn't have left my bed this morning.

"Wait, what? We just got here?" He looks at me confused. I look down feverishly for my phone messing the blanket laid out which he was still laying on.

"Well I want to go so let's go." I left the blanket. Furious that I couldn't find it. "What are you looking for?"

"My phone!" I yell exasperated.

"It's in your pocket!" I stop momentarily and check my back pockets, feeling my phone. "Annabeth." I stop and stare down at him.

"What? What do you want? What do you want from me?" He stares up at me silently and grabs my arm, pulling me down next to him.

"I don't know what's going on but I do know your trying to avoid the situation." I glare at him. But this seemed to only make him mad from the way he was starting to glare back at me. "Your avoiding the situation like always!" He gets up. "And I just let you get away with it like always! I don't know why I even let you do that!" He stops for a moment. "Actually no I'm lying. I do know why, it's because I love you so much that it doesn't matter what it is because all I know is that I want to be with you and I love you and that's all that matters." He laughs. "Why the fuck am I in love with you?" I continue staring up at him, glaring at him rather.

"I mean I never loved anyone before in my entire life as much as I love you. Never." He lifts up his hands. "But nooooo! My first love has to be with a stubborn sarcastic girl. A girl which I don't even know much about may I add!" He chuckles cold heartedly. Staring down at me as he does so.

"Why? I know you love me. I see it in your god damn eyes, I fucking see it." He shakes his finger at me like I was a child in deep, deep trouble. "You want to know how I know this?" He doesn't wait for my response. "Because it's the same god damn way I know I look at you." He exhales. "Why won't you just let me in? Why don't you just tell me what's going on?"

I look straight ahead avoiding his eyes. "Fucking tell me! I'm here aren't I? I'm standing right here! You want to know what I want from you? I want you to fucking tell me the truth!" I get up furious.

"I'm scared!" He furrows his brows, flinching slightly as if he wasn't expecting that answer. He was breathing heavily, probably from all that yelling.

"You're scared?" He pauses. "Why are you scared? I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." He cups my cheeks but I only shove them away.

"Yeah. Right." I laugh. "You won't go anywhere," I imitate him. "Isn't that what they all say until one day they just leave like it was nothing! Tell me again how many times have you moved?" I watch as he breaths deeply.

"Look I will never hurt you and you have to understand that by now." He shakes his head. "I love you. I will never do anything to hurt you."

I shake my head. Yeah like I haven't heard that one before. "Look I know you have a past." I stare at him with disbelief. "I'm not completely in the dark, I mean I've heard rumors..." He drifts off. "I know your not ready to tell me what exactly happened and I accept that. But I just don't get why you won't let me in or why you won't tell me you feel the same way because I know you do." I laugh, tilting my head back.

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