Chapter 23

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The suddenness of it all made me trip over my own two feet as I'm forced deeper into the alley away from civilization.

I felt as my heart pounded violently against my chest when we reached our point of destination.

When passing the alley you can see all of it but that was only in the day time for at night you could barely see two feet ahead of you. Either way it appears like he wasn't willing to take any chances.

There was a small section where between the two brick buildings there was a small opening space. It wasn't much but still something that ensured no one would definitely see us.

Roughly, he turns me around so that I was facing him then shoves me hard enough that I lose my breath. I gasp at the sudden pain in my chest. Before I could recover myself his hand smacks right back on top of my mouth while the other pins both my hands on top of my head.

"Shh, we don't want anyone to hear you now do we?" For the moment it didn't seem to matter at all. Even if I wanted to scream I couldn't, my voice won't be returning anytime soon and if it does it would be too raspy and out of breath for anyone to actually hear me.

Still I try doing so, even moving but he presses his body against mine. I shudder feeling the bulge against my lower stomach pressing urgently.

"You have no idea how much I've wanted you." He nuzzles my cheek with his cold, dirty nose. I jerk my head away from him, his hand momentarily leaving my mouth.

"Help!" I try screaming, however my voice was too cracked and raspy, not strong enough for anyone to hear yet. Once again I try but stop short when a cool blade touches my bare neck.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He hisses at me, the blade digging further to my neck, I was almost sure it would pierce my skin. "Your going to be quiet now aren't you?"

Biting my lip, I stare up at him without saying a word. I needed a plan, I couldn't very well take him with this blade on my neck but he only had two hands. Either he removed the blade from my neck or he releases my hands.

He smiles, his yellow teeth illuminating against the night sky. I watch in horror as he nears me, completely defenseless, I couldn't do anything as his mouth neared my own except to smack my lips tightly together so he wouldn't actually kiss me. When he finally moves away, slobber leaves in its wake, almost causing me to gag.

Apparently I now have two different type of assholes kissing me. Except this one was actually upfront with what he wants while the other is a pile of-oh fuck Nathan, I needed to find a way out not think about him.

If only he releases his hand from my wrists... I could easily get my house keys from my pants. He's going to have to anyways if he wants to do anything further from trying to stuff his tongue down my throat which I highly doubt.

He breaks off, smiling wickedly at me. "Those sweet lips... Finally all mine." He brings the blade forward, up my neck, my jaw, and to my cheek. "Stay still," he demands, bouncing the blade on my cheek as if it were a damned toy.

He loosens his grip from my wrist but I stay compliant by leaving my hands up in the air until he fully releases me. I stand there, motionless as he tugs on the tendrils of my hairs that flew onto my face due to the wind.

"Undo my jeans," he tugs my hair. I bite my lip, thinking this was finally my chance. Slowly bringing my arms down I lay them to my sides. Playing along I use my right hand to grab the waistbands of his jeans, finding the button I undo that first.

His grip doesn't loosen from the blade as he brings the blade gently back down to my neck. I slowly tug down on his zipper and moan a bit to distract him. Oh god I could throw up right now. He chuckles to himself, "I knew you wanted this too you little tease." I smile at him.

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