going back to the junk yard

Start from the beginning

"hello y/n, back from the therapy this early?" she greeted you, she was holding a loaf of package bread in her arms her a small smile planted on her face, "not joining game night?" she asked.

"tried." you answered taking a step forward to reach closer to your lovely dorm, "you know that no one hates you." Iberia stated facing you.

"well they should." y/n replied, gripping the cuffs of her sleeves wanting to sink into the floor with the guilt that was flooding her senses. "don't be so hard on yourself, y/n everyone understands that you just couldn't handle everything that was being pushed on to you. Everyone will understand, don't worry." Ibarra said, taking a piece of bread from the package. Y/n turned to her, rising a brow when Ibarra reached her hand out offering y/n the piece of bread, "you know a lot of people were crying when you did come back, it was all happy tears. The aura in the room was pure bliss, and I was happy that my prayers did work." Ibarra looked at y/n in the eyes. "your still part of the class b family... and of you won't mind we'll be happy to have back the y/n that you've become because to us. Your perfect just the way you are." Y/n shakily makes the piece of bread and nods.

"Well I'll be down stairs.Feel free to join us!" Ibarra waved before turning around and walking down the stairs. Her footsteps sounding further and further as they disappeared.

Taking a deep breath you bite of the bread and walked towards your dorm. Closing the door behind you, and sliding down the door as you felt for what felt for the hundredth time while returning the feeling to cry. As blinked quickly to shake off the tears, taking another bite of the bread.

After finishing the piece of bread you day there staring that the walls. Full of colorful posters and photos of goofy selfies of your friends and you. All the goodies. Much better then being a home. Well not even home anymore. You felt so much at home here. But here you were pushing them away. You stood up walking around the room.

The colorful blankets and the mess on your desk. The weird paint stains around the corner of the wall. She stopped picking up the prankster book.

Ah yes, the journal of each prank she pulled. Reading each page she felt herself feel lose. She was so, amazing. The y/n screaming about fighting, and the laughs. The happiness she felt when she didn't care.

Who the hell was she now? She stared at the pages of the book, rereading each part of ideas she of traps and games. Her messy hand writing noting to ask Yui for help with tapping class a to their beds.


She completely had been radio silent with her! This wasn't good! Who the hell was she she had to figure this fall to Yui do something.

But what can she even do? What could make her feel like y/n again?

She turned around to see the photo, the photo of tails the raccoon. The raccoon that brought the friendship between the too. And all the laughs they had and the junk yard... THE JUNK YARD.


"ROAD TRIP!" y/n shouted to herself as she ran around her room trying to get her stuff together.Packing her backpack, protein bats,her piggy bank, some water, keys, the map, the picking lock from deep down under her bed, some random dry fruits she had under the piles of papers in her drawers, now time for the sneaky hiding outfit to run around in.

Baggy jeans,baggy lose hoodie, god was she going to look like she was going to rob a bank. No worries maybe just a simple headpiece hold make her outfit look normal. The devil horned head bands.


This was going to be perfect. Well she hoped it was going to be perfect.

It all started at the dead of night, y/n got dressed in the robber look book fit. After tying her shoe laces she placed her backpack on and jumped to the tree branch. ok easy, Yui is just two hops away. Just don't cause noise. Or Kendo will figure this out and be smacking you to no end.

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