teach me teach me teacher

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Big kid words, love yaa


Y/n hugged her bag close to her. God trains were always so full, and people rubbing shoulders with strangers was just sinful. Who even thought about making trains so tiny? Make more space bro, always other then walking to kashoot herself about trains y/n was on her way to her internship with another pro hero. 

Ah yes another year another teacher, last year's pro hero gave up on her. Claiming that she was too "unprofessional" To actually try to be a hero. But y/n never seemed to care, she was just excited to see her new teacher. 

Well that excitement was kind of out down when she remembered that during internships they usually get to see their parents. Meaning if y/n's parents wanted to see her, they could get her to come. God this is sounding kind of depressing nono back to happy time. 

As y/n would look out the window from the train a small smile formed of her face, she is free still. Now that she's away from the school and not yet into her internship with the pro hero. She still had some time to have fun.  

Throwing her bag above the bag landed on the rails on the ceiling, causing a few people to look her way. Y/n ignored the shady stares as she hopped up grabbing the railing, doing a mucho muscle pull up she pulls herself up and sitting on the railing. Assert dominance everywhere. Everyone in the train chart began to mumble about being disrespectful and even commenting about why ua let her in. 

But how cares, she was free and she loved it. As she sat up there the whole train ride her stop was up. Hopping off with her bag and scaring a few people do it so, skipping her way to the city. The city was pretty crowded too, people walking to work, going to school, some moms out buy groceries or with there girlfriends talking about how Jerry was bad in bed last night. It was the usual. Normal, kinda boring don't you think so. Ugh whatever, but she was pretty thirsty and being so she stopped by a local cafe. Checking the the clock she got some time. 

Opening the door the warm scent of cinnamon and lemonade filled the air. As y/n walked to the front she checked the menu and made her decision pretty quickly, the cashier gave those cartoon made smiles "welcome to cafe cha, what would you like today?" They asked with the smile staying on their face.  

"I'd like the green tea lemonade iced" Y/n ordered thinking the drink was pretty interesting to try. The worker naming the price and y/n paying the amount needed she went to get her drink and left walking towards her wanted location. 

God don't let her be late, god don't let her be late, god don't let her be late. She prayed silently as she walked through the streets as she sipped her drink. The pro that chose her had a reputation of being ruff and all tough. And also ew she thought she was being to sound like Ibara praying.

But eheh she had to worry about the pro, was he going to be angry if she was late? Did he know about what she did? Like her getting suspended from ua? Did he know about her pranks? Was he going to hate her quirk? God let's hope not. Maybe he was going to try to actually help her improme, let's hope so. God the world is just a whole mess.

After walking a few more blocks and y/n rethinking life knowing she could perfectly run away to another city right now and not do this. She kept walking forward, great. Walking past afew more blocks y/n was in front of the building were she would be learning from a pro hero for a whole week. Let's just hope the guy wasn't going to be a ass.

As she gripped the handle of the door she pulled it opened and walked in. It was like a whole ass gym arena. Damn this was going to be fun, dieing. Nah nah nah man, she to weak to actually work out. Levae the home girl alone man.

As y/n looked around trying to figure the fuck out were she was, a gruff voice found her. God damn she's going to die. It's confirmed. Oh noooo. "You must be y/n." The voice asked, and on came a tall as machine lookin guy standing in front of her. Gun head. Well then is to late to change ur name and move to Mexico, eating tacos for our whole life. Ehhhh. Seems like it's to late. 

"Yup! The one and only!" Y/n would answer trying her best to hide the fucking fact she was scared and about to piss herself. Gross I know man. "oh good! Welcome to aboard!" He piped up doing a random cute pose as he spoke. Y/n blinked blanky as the guy became to ramble about hero stuff and the sports festival, all that shit. 

'I'm beginning to think everyone I meet is just going to become that fucking sweet' she thought as she followed guhhead around, him giving her a tour of the area and stuff. At least there was a coffee machine in the break room. But jesus christ he loved them cute poses. But y/n wouldn't mind it, it was kind of enjoyable to watch. 

After the tour y/n was told to go off and change into her hero costume, she was had to start some muscle building training. 

"Ok! First off some one hundred push ups!" Guhhead would say in probably the most cheerful tone. Actually making y/n forget that she had to one hundred freaking push ups. But trying to start this inership on the right foot she began to first off these push ups. 

"One!" Oh my god he wasn't going to count out loud the amount of push ups she does. 

"Two!" Ok he was. 

"Three" This is going to get annoying wasn't it? 

"Four!" Ok so it's kind of annoying. 

"Five!" It's annoying. 

"Six!" Don't you wonder why numbers exist. 

"Seven!" Jesus christ that arm pain. 

"Eight!" Arms know only pain.

"Nine!" Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. 

"Ten!" Vlad king would be disappointed. 

"Eleven!Remember ninety degree form!" Fuck this. 

"Twelve!" Good bye arms. 

"Thirteen!" Pain. 

This went on for awhile and just as the number one hundred was said y/n was face planted on the ground rethinking life and trying to remember the feeling of having arms. Good bye world y/n can't live. 

"Damn you got some work done!" Gunhead cheered on, "on let's get started on those pulls up!" He began to walk away towards the pull up section, y/n managing to pull herself up and try to follow all these insane stuff. 

You can imagine wouldn't y/n be use to this shit from vlad king handing out these kind of work outs, but nope. That's not how it work in this world. Y/n can't figure why people do this. 

This was going to be one interesting week. But y/n was ready. She had to get better. Stronger, she was going to prove herself as a hero this week. 

"Come on y/n answer." Yui spoke to herself as she checked her messages again. She was currently on her own lunch break and was trying to see if y/n was alive. But it doesn't seem y/n was answering. She really must be taking this seriously. She really is growing up isn't she? 

"Please don't grow up too fast. I still want my silly y/n with me." Yui gripped her phone tighter as she waited. 


Ahhhhh thanks for reading this guys!! 

<3 <3

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