bunny ears on tv

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Big kid words!! <3


As the time clicked and the race was finished, leaving only 42 people left the whole game. Great work man, but who cares about them, we're going to pay attention to those you dare to fight y/n. 

So then came powerloader explaining the next game. "For this one find a single partner! You and this partner will have to decide which one of you two fill be on the other's shoulders! When all partnerships are made, the one on top with be the chicken! The goal is for the person on top to not talk into the simulation of sea!" After the hero was done explaining that Y/n was going to ask her best friend ever, Yui to be her partner but that was cancelled when people started to move around crazy. Leading Yui and Y/n to be separated in the sea of people. 

"Well fuck that. Guess I gotta find someone else- YO IBARA BE MY PARTNER!!!!" Y/n shouted as she ran up to th vine girl. Tackling Ibara in the process, but she stood her ground from falling. "Sure Y/n, what could possibly go wrong." Ibara answered feeling a curtain pair of eye's burning holes into the back of her head. 

'Juzo please don't kill me after this.' Ibara thought as Y/n clapped her hands and rambled on about the sports festival. With then, all 42 people finding partners. "OH yea! Just to make sure you kids aren't going to cheat!The people being chicken get these super cool censors around their necks!" Powerloader cheered. 

And within a few minutes all the chickens of the partner ships where with these collars around their necks. "kinky shit right here Ibara..." Y/n stated as she sat on the girls shoulders, sense they were told too. "Y/n I'm begging you to at least make this less uncomfortable then it already is." Ibara would sigh out for the thousandest time in her life time. "Are you saying I'm fat!!!" Y/n shouted in a shocked tone, "I'm saying you making me feel wired out with you in my shoulders, your lucky I won't throw you off" Ibara responsed.

"Now doesn't that sound horrible-" Y/n would be cut off with the sudden feel of them being in the air, and glancing down both saw that the sea of under them. And everyone else was about to fall into the sea as well. And y/n the oh shit moment. As y/n gripped onto Ibara's vine hair tighter as they almost reached the water. 

Ibara was smart, moving her vines under enough them creating a boat. Herself impacting it when she reached to sea level. And managing to have y/n still on her shoulders. "Woah!! We didn't die!!"  Y/n cheered, as her literal left her body. "Now let's destroy everyone and make them taste to salt water!"

"Fuck you!" Y/n shouted at the attack from eight armed man, with Ibara responding with wrapping her vines around him and under water he went. 

Currently with the minutes passing Y/n and Ibara have been fighting teams that dared to attack them. Both already covered in the salty sea water with the amount of splashing that happened over the time period. And there was y/n shouting at Bakugou when he tried to sink her and them having a full on shouting war in the middle of the ocean. 

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Bakugou would shout at y/n as he tried to throw a explosion at her head, and his partner Kirishima lowkey getting worried for the sanity of everyone. "YOUR MORE SALTY THEN THE FUCKING OCEAN RIGHT NOW BItch!" Y/n would response. Basically that's how thier fight was until Todoirk made some ice wall to attack Bakugou. 

After the right amount of people where knocked down, the games ended and everyone that was still fighting where thrown back to the arena. "I have salt in my eyes." Y/n stated blandly as Ibara throw her off the girl off her shoulders. "Should I take you to the doctor?" Ibara asked, as Y/n was layed on the ground. "Nah."

The 16 people that made it where shown the the screen, and only six were from two b. The people being, Ibara, Y/n, Kendo, Yui, Monoma, and Testutestu. 

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