gay ass panic

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Big kid words! 


Yui could remember everything. From the way her hair felt to the way she smiled. To the way y/n would breathe when napping. It was creepy yes, but it was all because she noticed everything about the people she loved. And that person would be y/n.

Yui never thought she would like someone romantically. She always thought she would feel empty well it came to love. But they had it the first spark that made Yui think, could she love y/n? 

'It was the summer of eighth grade, the breezy night and cloud filled skys. It was a perfect summer night but it wasn't so perfect for the poor soul that was y/n. She showed up on the front steps for Yui's house. In tears and a emotional mess. God this wasn't good at all. Yui invited y/n in and calmed her down. Y/n explaining that her parents had a pretty nasty fight and she just ran out scared that physical fighting would actually start. So there they where in Yui's living room. Y/n wrapped up in blankets drinking tea with Yui. Both watching a simple movie. 

Such a sweet moment. Y/n felt safe. Yui felt complete. Both felt happy to be there. Just to be there with each other and smile. And as time would pass Y/n was falling asleep. Taking a nap you would say, and falling dead asleep on Yui's shoulder time seemed to stop for her. 

Yui was use to being close with y/n sense the raccoon accident, holding hands time to time with walking down the street or in the hallway, hugs, locking arms, they were ok with each other. But when Yui felt y/n fall into sleep on her own shoulder. Some real gay panic was happening. But at the time Yui was just a confused mess of what she was feeling. 

Yui took a few glances at her sleeping friend, but soon those small short glances became Yui simply watching her sleep. Ignoring the movie completely, was it creepy to watch her sleep? Yes. Very creepy. Just Yui just watched, watching the movement of Y/n's breathing.  

And like that Y/n was already mumbling nonsense and soon it went to sound like she was crying in a dream. Yui felt her heart break as she watched the sence. She would quickly warp her arms around her in a effort to clam her down. "It'll be ok y/n, I'm here. I'll protect you. No matter what."  And with those word being said over and over a dream filled y/n was peacefully sleeping away.' 

Yui walked through the streets by the side of the one and only Mt.lady. Yui was really a confused mess so she chose to ask her teacher and see if Mt.lady would have any clue of what was happening. 

"Do you know what's it like to love someone?" Yui asked in the coldest of tones. Like jesus straight to the point. Mt.lady would give this kind of panicked look and then responsed. This was about learning to be a better hero right? 

"Love kinda is like that feeling that you just know you have, it's kinda different for everyone I guess." The blonde hero answered, moving one of her curly hair locks over her shoulder, Yui thought about those words before responding "could I fall in love with my best friend?" 

Mt.lady blinked a few times before shrugging her shoulders, "you could, and if you think you are they you could be falling for them." Yui thought for a few moments before nodding her head. 

' it was the summer of fourth grade, Yui hadn't been outside with friends and her parents were worried. Thinking Yui was getting bullied or something, but really Yui had never found anyone that interesting to talk too. At night Yui would stare up at the star filled night, and when a falling star did pass her view. Small Yui made a wish, "can I have a friend? The nicest person there is. Someone to play with and someone to run around with, someone to eat lunch with and someone to have fun with. I want a nice friend." 

That summer went by and it was time for school, Yui was already use to the routine of school. And recess was easy, herself just sitting down on the ground watching everyone have fun. 

But something could catch her eye, a small girl with h/c hair laughing hysterically as a few students tripped down. It was odd, but it Yui couldn't help but notice the girl for awhile.' 

Yui was on lunch break waiting for y/n to answer her phone, she really just wanted to talk to y/n. Not about her feelings of course just to see if she was ok. 

' Y/n was playing around with smoke bombs during their first year in u.a. Before y/n was suspended. Just some mindless games throwing the smoke bombs around, scaring people around her. 

Y/n just laughing as she saw the reactions of people, jumping around and even yeeting them into classrooms. 

Running in the halls and pissing Iida off, stealing the lunches of second years. All with y/n just laughing and smiling.'

Yui always loved when y/n was laughing. It was like music to her ears. She always loved to see y/n just by her side. 

Y/n wasn't perfect. Far from what her parents wanted and far from what the world around them saw as normal for a hero in training. 

But to Yui, Y/n was perfect. 

' Yui was reading a book during lunch when the sound of smoke bomb was heard behind her. And the laughter. 

Out came Y/n from the pink smoke smiling and giggling, as students were already backing up in fear. 

"You you do this time?" Yui peeked from her book to meet y/n eyes, "just set a small some bomb off cause I was bored, the usual." She grinned. 

It was impossible to believe sure wasn't suspended then and there, but then again she really went all out to get suspended.'

Yui smiled softly as she read y/n's message, 'I Am dIeInG 👻 thEn VlaD to MaKe a dinner in my honor!' 

"Oh y/n." Yui sighed in relief. 

"You really make it hard to not love you." Yui typed the her response to and closed the her phone as she stared out the window. 

"Maybe a shooting star could make you feel the same way." 



Next chapter well be to giving Juzo some well deserved love and spot light, but thanks for reading guys!! Love u allllll

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