"I'm Kurt" He said as we shook hands.


"And I'm Krist"

"Hello Krist"

"Well, is very nice to meet you, my mission here is done but I hope to see you anytime soon... by the way, your band is amazing. See you around" He said, gave a 5-dollar bill to Kurt and after winking at him, he just left the place.

"He's like that almost all the time, don't pay attention"

"It's ok, at least he's funny" I said, nonchalantly.

"Oh... so you're saying I'm boring? Oh my heart" Kurt said in a dramatic way that made me laugh. "So... What do you do when you're not singing, punching douchebags or here at the café?"

"Well, now that I finished college, I just play at some gigs, work here and I like to hang out with my friends. You know, the usual things... go to the movies, go to other gigs or parties... visit museums, record stores, punch people..." I answered and he laughed a little.

"Ok... and... well, I was wondering if any day you're boring and wanna hang out you can give me a call and we'll figure out something... I mean, if you want of course" He said in a clumsy way.

"Well yeah... that would be nice" I said, smiling.

"So... uhhmm... do you have a piece of paper or-"

"Sure" I cut him off and gave him a napkin, where he wrote his number and then I did the same with my phone number.

"So... now we have our phone numbers"

"So it seems" I said smiling as I noticed this guy was lost in my eyes and I was blushing a lot.

"Well... I hope we hear from each other very soon..."

"I'm sure we will" I said smiling again as he smiled back.

"Meanwhile... I hope you can make it this Saturday to The Black Sheep... we have a gig there" He said, looking for a piece of paper that I soon discovered was a flyer.

"Oh... sorry, I can't this Saturday... I have to travel to L.A."

"Oh... well, that's ok... another time will be"

"Sure..." I answered, now paying attention to the flyer, as my gesture changed immediately "Wait... is your band that  Nirvana?" I asked surprised.

"That Nirvana?" He asked in a funny way.

"Yeah, the most popular band here in Seattle that everybody loves" I asked even more confused.

"Well... I wasn't aware that we were that much loved but... yeah, I guess my band is that Nirvana you mention... are you ok?"

"It was because of your cancellation that we had to make our debut in a gig a month earlier than planned and the anxiety almost killed me" I said, laughing a little.

"Shit... I'm sorry. But... wasn't that good? I read amazing reviews of your debut. Some of them even said you easily overshadowed us"

I laughed a little bit more and so he did and then we started to talk a little bit more while I was doing my duty. Kurt stayed in the café with me until my shift ended, at 8:00 pm and insisted in walk me home, a nice gesture that I accepted.

In the way home we kept talking about many things: from our families, his life in Aberdeen and Seattle, my life in Anaheim and L.A., his previous jobs as janitor, education, music tastes, to random things like our favourite foods or desserts. It was funny because usually I am a very shy person, who doesn't give all her information at the first time, but Kurt made me feel so comfortable and relaxed and he seemed so interested in whatever I had to say, that I just kept sharing things.. as he did the exact same thing.

We reached home and we say goodbye with a shy kiss on the cheek as I was feeling weird, nervous and happy for having known this new friend.

"What's with the dreamy smile?" Andy brought me back to reality once I closed the door.

"What are you talking about?"

"Are you dating Kurt?" Adrien asked me this time.

"What? How- Were you peeking?"

"Lily... the window" Andy pointed, and I totally forgot about the window.

"No, I am not dating anyone"

"He looked happy too" Andy said this time.

"Ok, can you please stop?" I said, trying not to smile, because actually I was feeling a little bit happy.

"Alright alright" Andy said and then asked me if I wanted to have dinner, so soon after the three of us were chatting and eating some sandwiches.


"Finally, the knight in the shiny armour is here" Chad said in a funny way.

"What are you talking about?"

"Krist told us about your conquest with the girl from Spencer"

"Lily... her name is Lily"

"Oh my god you already call her by her name?" Jason said this time.

"That's her name, genius... what else am I gonna call her?"

"Okay... if you say so... and how was meeting her? Was it disappointing or good?" Chad asked.

Kurt threw himself to the couch and let out an unconscious sight, looked at the ceiling and said to his partners: "She's the most magical woman I've ever met"

"Geez you're so cheesy!" Chad said frantically and laughing.

"Fuck you" Kurt answered laughing.

"Cupid did his work" Jason said this time as the three of them laughed hard.

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