"Miss ma'am, I love your kisses, but when you gon take me on a date...y'know woo me." Nalani laughed as Yun raised her eyebrow in a staggered manner.

"First of all, who the hell is miss ma'am? Second, I'll pick you up at seven for a date then." Yun walked away and out of the bathroom before Nalani could say anything.

"Baby!" Nalani whined as she ran after Yun who still had her back to Yun. Nalani wrapped her arms around Yun and leaned against her back, all the while smiling hard as she thought over Yun's words.

"Man get off me," Yun playfully said as she quit looking in her closet. Nalani quickly removed herself from on Yun, not knowing she was playing. "Come here, stank."

Nalani rolled her eyes, but couldn't help the smile that graced her face when Yun called her 'stank'. "Why you like being so mean to me, babe?"

"I was joking, I relish in the fact that you love to be under me." Yun kissed the tip of Nalani's nose before she shooed her away. "Now please get dressed, Honey and Sekani are waiting for you."

"Ma'am yes ma'am," Nalani saluted Yun before she walked away laughing at Yun's irked face.
"All I'm saying is that you got a big ass head," Sekani said to Ace as Honey, Nalani, and Yun sat around them.

"And all I'm saying is that you gon have to stay with Nalani at her house cause I'm kicking you the fuck out." Ace joked as he leaned over and kissed Sekani's forehead.

"What you not finna do is kick my second girlfriend out," Nalani mushed Ace head like he had done her so many times.

Yun sat back watching all of them bicker back and forth, it was times like these where she forgot about her life outside of them. Her life of revenge and one-track mindedness, and she wasn't ashamed to say it. She was holding onto the pass and making it resurface, it was almost as if she wanted to be the victim...the prey, but that wasn't the case when she was now the predator.

"Who ya first girlfriend?" Yun asked a few minutes too late in the conversation, her head had been all over the place, not thinking right.

"Honey, that's my baby..." Nalani blushed as Honey blew her a kiss which Ace and Sekani put their hands out to block.

"How is Honey ya first girlfriend when Yun's ya girl," Ace shook his head. "I say we send Nalani back to the factory she came from cause now she starting to malfunction." That's all Ace had to say before Nalani gave him the middle finger.

"Ace shut the hell up," Yun laughed at Ace foolishness, Nalani mugged him before she sucked her teeth. "Honey can be her girlfriend 'cause at the end of the day she's my wife and she coming home to me."

Sekani had never seen this side of Yun, hell Yun had never seen this side of her. When most people viewed her, they viewed her as something not normal but not exactly special either, but her statement showed how normal she was. To herself, she was completely normal, but to others, she could be viewed as an empty can with limited feelings. She was losing herself, she went so long without feeling and being happy, that she didn't know how to do either of those things. She had been forced to smile at everyone for so long that her smile didn't even reach her eyes.

"Baby?" Yun heard Nalani call out to her, to which Yun responded with a hmm. "Don't you have to go downtown today to meet your dad?"

Yun had yet to tell Nalani and them about who her dad was and what he did. She knew there would never be a right time to tell them, but she just wasn't ready for that kind of judgment. She wasn't ready to let people know how lonely she felt, how bad her father hurt her, or about the bad things she's done.

"Uhh, yeah, thanks for reminding me. I'll pick you up later tonight for our date." Yun grabbed her phone and stood up, she hugged Ace, Honey, and Sekani.

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