~ IV ~

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Two weeks had passed since Y/n had met Jungkook and Jimin. Throughout each day of the week, Y/n conducted tutorial sessions with Jungkook after classes, somedays, they were conducted at her house, other days, at his house. Y/n opened up towards Jungkook and learns he actually isn't like the people she encountered during her elementary days; he was the opposite. He was kind and genuine, she really enjoyed his company. Jimin, on the other hand, always found a clever reason to pester her every lunch break by her locker, heck, there were even moments where he would subtly flirt with her, and she found every second with him annoying. Actually, annoying would be an understatement to describe that boy.


It was a nice Wednesday afternoon, Y/n, Rosé and Jungkook had just finished eating lunch and were just packing up their lunch bags. Rosé's locker was just next to Y/n's locker, but Jungkook's locker was at the other end of the hallway. For the past week, they made into a routine that after consuming their lunches, to head to Y/n and Rosé's lockers first before heading towards Jungkook's locker. So, as usual, that's exactly what they did.

"Do you ever miss your parents?" Jungkook asked Y/n as they sauntered in the path towards the girls' lockers.

"I'm used to it, having to miss someone everyday gets tiring sooner or later." Y/n replies as Rosé applied lip tint in front of the mirror hanging on her locker door.

"Did they ever mention to you when they'll be back?" Jungkook rubs his nape, feeling slightly ashamed of asking such questions.

"Nope, they never did." Y/n answers as she takes an oreo pack she spotted in Rosé's locker.

"It must be emotionally damaging. I'm sorry you have to go through that" Jungkook frowns.

"Hey, don't be sorry, I'm okay with how my life is right now." Y/n smiles and pinches his left cheek, giving him assurance.

"Okay." Jungkook bashfully smiles.

Rosé closes her locker and glances at her wrist watch.

"Come on guys, 20 minutes left until class starts, we don't wanna be marked late." Rosé spoke.

"You guys go ahead, I need to go to the restroom, I'll meet you both in class." Y/n smiles as she grabs a notebook from her locker.

"Alright, later." Rosé waves.

"Ookii, bye bye." Jungkook returns the smile before walking with Rosé.

As soon as Y/n turns around, she notices Taehyung and a couple of his friends approaching her.

"Y/n, right?" Taehyung scratches the back of his head.

"Mhmm, that's me." Y/n responds cheerfully.

"It's been quite a while since we last talked." Taehyung smiles

Y/n feels like she's about to combust any moment now. She couldn't believe what was happening right now.

"Yeah, it has." Y/n bashfully tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. Being unintentionally terrible at keeping her feelings low-key.

"The last time we talked was when the bullies pushed you off your bike." Taehyung rubs the back of his neck.

"Which was months ago." Y/n adds.

"That's right. Anyway, are you busy after class later?" Taehyung asks.

"No, why?" Y/n replies totally forgetting about the scheduled tutorial session with Jungkook.

"I was wondering if you'd like to stop by the football field, watch the team and I practice later. We have an upcoming game in two months, I could really use your support." Taehyung smiles as he invites her.

"Why me? Out of all the other people in this school?" Y/n asks clearly confused.

"Well, I think that you're the best candidate for support, and the prettiest one too." Taehyung winks.

"Okay, I'll stop by later." Y/n accepts his invite.

"Awesome, see ya." Taehyung smiles brightly before walking off to class with his friends.

Y/n felt like her soul is flying around the hallways because of the giddy feeling she's experiencing right now. Her crush just called her the prettiest student in school. Does this mean he likes her back? She thought.

She clutches onto her chest, her heart was beating rapidly against her chest, completely astonished on what just happened.

Losing track of time, she lifted her arm to take a glance at her wrist watch. She gasps as there was only 10 minutes remaining until class resumes. She bustles towards the path that leads to the classroom where the next class will be conducted. She mentally curses at the fact that the room is located all the way at the second building, but if she runs fast enough, she'll make it in time. Forget having to use the restroom.

She finally arrived, beads of sweat sliding down her face like tap water running, panting like she just went scuba diving without an oxygen tank and with five minutes to spare. She takes a seat at her usual seat, next to Rosé and behind Jungkook. She twists the bottle cap of her water bottle open and chugs it down like there was no tomorrow.

"Woah, you look like you just ran a 100-mile marathon." Rosé remarks.

Jungkook turns around to see streams of sweat pouring down Y/n's forehead like it was a waterfall.

"I did not know the ladies' restroom could consume all the energy in the human body." Jungkook exaggerates, scratching the back of his head.

"It doesn't, I just lost track of time, then ran here as fast as I could." Y/n twists her water bottle close, still panting like crazy.

"What did you even do to lose track of time?" Rosé raises an eyebrow.

"Well......Taehyung approached me." Y/n couldn't help but smile.

"Seriously?! What for?!" Rosé asks, clearly shocked hearing this kind of information.

"To invite me." Y/n briefly spoke.

"Invite you to what?" Jungkook asks.

"To watch football practice after class, saying he could use my support." Y/n cheerfully responds, the pitch of her voice being a tad higher, clearly showing the giddiness she was feeling.

"That wasn't even the best part. He told me I'm the prettiest girl in the school." Y/n smiles brightly like a freak.

"O M G GURL. I think he likes you back." Rosé fangirls like as if she was in the front row of a Justin Bieber concert.

"Do you really think so." Y/n fangirls as well.

"Wait, after class? What about the tutorial session we have?" Jungkook reminds Y/n.

"Oh no! I totally forgot about that!" Y/n shockingly covers her mouth.

"Oh Jungkook, could we cancel the session just this once? Pleaseeee." Y/n pleads.

"It's okay, we could have the session on a weekend. I know how much you like the guy." Jungkook smiles, ruffling her hair like she was a five year old, then faces the white board.

The moment he turned to face the white board, he couldn't help but feel like the life was punched out of him, he really likes Y/n, and seeing as she has feelings for someone else makes him feel really drained. But he doesn't have a choice, if he truly is Y/n's friend, he can't force her to do something that won't make her happy. That's all he is to her anyway, so he thought, just a friend, no matter how strong his feelings are for her.


Word count - 1149


Hello again :))))

I hope you enjoyed. There will be more chapters to come. Don't worry, i plan to update this story every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Hopefully it goes to plan and i don't lose motivation unlike my first book that i discontinued, hehe 😅😅

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