Chapter 12

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I don't own anything, just the OCs that may appear. I've been lately thinking on dropping off this story, because it isn't as popular as it used to be as also because I'm slowly losing any interest on this.

[P.O.V. Toshiro]

It has been almost one week since Ireinu joined our party.

I have to say that she has been a great addition, as her hunting skills were really high.

But it isn't enough. I still need more strong guys like Ireinu if I am about to fight the Waves of Calamity.

But by some kind of luck... we came across an travelling slave trader which told us that he had good products.

"Come, come, young Youxia. You will not be disappointed by what I have in here!" The slave trader says as he guided me through the carriages with cells which transported those who were unlucky to become slaves.

He showed me a lot of the slaves he had, but none of them caught my interest. As the majority were under Level: 5 to 6. But none of them were truly fighters, they were mostly either for domestic uses to sexual uses.

"Hmph. Such a good bunch of useless products you have." I said to the slaves trader harshly.

"P-Please! It's not easy to come across strong fighters who would become slaves!" He pathetically exclaims while I just rolled my eyes at that.

(Sigh)... I better use [Libra] just to make sure if there's somebody who's useful.


"!!!" I-I gasped in a great shock which I couldn't hide it.

B-Because... [Libra] just showed me something unreal, something which it is almost impossible.

So I ran towards where [Libra] pointed me, and when I arrived.

All my doubts were lifted. Because [Libra] wasn't wrong.

I-It was a man... A big man with obsidian-like scales, and red skin. Despite his amazing size, he looked to be around his twenties.

What amazed me... was the fact that this guy was over a Level: 68! His strength, his skills over weaponry were above anything I have seen in this world! I... I highly doubt that there's could be such a strong fellow as him!

Not even me with all my party members could ever even dream of scratching him.

T-This guy... This guy has to be part of my group no matter what.

"Who is this guy?" I asked to the slave trader, who was all paralyzed.

But he got his guts back up to at least say. "I-I d-do not recomend this person..."

He sounded fearful. So I began to ask. "Why is that?"

"He... He is a monster among monsters! He-He was about to be executed, but nothing worked! Neither fire, nor being hanged, as he also endured a lot of torture techniques known to men. As also in the end, he kills anyone who tries to buy him or even get him out of this cage!"

Hmm... that does explains the why he has an passive skill called [Tough Body], which let him to endure any pain beyond a living being standards.

"Who is it?" I asked while looking at this strong fellow, who glared at me.

"I-I don't know he constantly refuses to say his name, all that I know, is that he is a Merman from the Ryugu Kingdom." The slave trader says.

Now that he says it, he does indeed has some fish features aside from his scales. But... 'Ryugu Kingdom'? It sounds so fitting for some reason...

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