Chapter 10

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I don't own anything, just the OCs that may appear.

[P.O.V. Toshiro]

Man... that was tiring as hell.

After I killed Zen, the Cradle automatically activated an self-destruction system of some sort.

When I woke up Mia, I asked her if she could desactivate it... much to my dismay, she couldn't.

So I recurred to use one of the telestransportation circles to get her out of the Cradle.

But I stayed behind to save the homunculus who were uncouncious around the Cradle.

I did that out of respect for Zen... since he just wanted to end the life he wasn't allowed to take it himself and was unjustly cursed to live as an undead.

I managed to save the six of them, but the last one, No. 7, was still afar on my reach.

So I used [Hassou Tobi] to it's limit to both save her and get out from the crumbling Cradle.

Thanks to the dryad, we were able to get out from there. But an large-ass wave was coming at our way, so once again I used [Hassou Tobi] to it's limit.

Which it resulted as I was far away as possible.

I'm not a religious person or anything... but I dearly hoped that Zen would be able to find peace in the afterlife with his wife and family.

Damn it! Why!? Why did this happend to Zen? He just wanted a better life in peace with his loved ones, so why did this happend to him?

What were the objectives of those purple spirits?

No... just thinking about it won't led me to the answer.


Just after sometime walking, I managed to reunite with my party, Liza, Tama, Chiyo, Lulu and Arisa who were camping around the area on the company of the manager, obviously searching for me.

Thank goodness that Mia was with them, she must have been the one who guided them in here.

I saw that the homunculus girls were tied while Mize was keeping an eye on them.

"Knock it off, they aren't enemies anymore." I told to Mize while I untied the luggage where I was carrying No. 7 who was still unconcious.

"No. 7!" One of the homunculus said in both surprise and in relief at seeing their sister being well and alive.

While Arisa was using her magic to awake No. 7, I began to have a conversation with the rest of her sisters.

"...Toshiro-dono. You've not only spared our lives despite the fact we attacked you. You've also commited yourself to save No. 7 as well. We can't thank you enough for what you've done." I see that No. 1 speech is more fluent than her other sisters, it must be because she may be the first one created by Zen, thus being the older of all her sisters. "And the fact that the Cradle has been destroyed means that master has..."

"Yeah, I killed him." It may be way too blunt on my part, but there no denying that I killed their master.

After a short silence. "Master Toshiro." Eh? Master? "From this point on we will follow your orders as our new master." They all said while bowing to me like how a servant would do to his master.

I could feel Arisa'a stare at my back, but that's wasn't what bothered me.

"Are you sure? Even if he made you fight with the intention of you all dying, are you sure that you don't want to take revenge for his sake?" Their sudden switch of master worried me, because they might be plotting a revenge against me.

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