Chapter 2

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I do know that i'm not popular or anything, but do i'm really doing a bad job at this story? I don't own anything.

[P.O.V. Toshiro]

It has been two weeks after the thing in the castle.

During that time, what I feared happend... Shieldy got betrayed by the bitch by accusing him for 'raping' her.

What I couldn't believe is that the how much they believed her story and they didn't even gave a chance to Shieldy to say his side of the story so the king branded him as a criminal.

I knew that king couldn't be trusted...

Well, the guy must be pretty heart fragile because, after that he puts up now the face of a edgy guy... It almost made me want to laugh. But since it was a serious situation, I refrained from doing so.

After the soap show, I decided to throw a bone at Shieldy by giving him half of the money I earned from slaying monsters.

I laughed because he thought that I had ulterior motives for giving him my money. But nah! I just did that out of a whim, nothing else. And so we went on our own ways.

I crossed the borders of the Kingdom and arrived at a canyon... where I got really unlucky... because when I arrived, i faced off an army of Lizardmen who wanted invade the neighboring nations.

Thanks for the fact that I gained some pretty good equipment and also because that the majority of them were of low levels, I managed to pull off an victory...

And Oh boy! it was tiring as hell!! As after I finished off the majority of their army, their leader challanged me on a duel... Seeing that i had no chance of getting out alive by facing an entire army, I accepted the duel.

It was tought. Specially when the leader was of [level 39] while i was only of [level 20]... I wasn't even the half of strong as him, but thanks to an skill called [Defense Breaker]. I gained that by slaying many enemies with armor and high defenses.

Good thing, since I really needed that in order to win. And so I pulled off an victory. It seems that the Lizardmen were pretty honorable, because their leader promised me that if I won the duel, all his army would pull back and return to their homes.

It seems like that the fact that I'm the Sword Hero helped with their decision of honoring the words of their leader.

By slaying the Lizardman General, I level up to [27]. I rised up my stats and so here I am.

In borders of the neighboring Kingdom of Shiga... It seems like Shiga's borders was less protected than the ones of Melromarc. Since I haven't seen a checkpoint yet.

According to the map I gained from a kid, who was a pretty good mapmaker, the city of Seryuu should be close.

While walking around the place, my skill, [Danger Sensor], kicked in. And so, appearing on the sky, was a Wyvern. It looked like one of those dinosaurs from the movies. I decided to deal with the thing before he attacks me by using the ability of my sword called [Wave Slash], which consisted on my sword launching an arc like wave to the enemies, I admit, it made me look like Zoro from One Piece.

But... the downside of it, was that it was pretty weak as when it hit the torso of the Wyvern, it only gave it a wound which spilled some blood from the monster.


The monster was getting away! No way I'm letting my chance of level up to go away! so I persue the Wyvern.

But as soon as I caught up to it. A bunch of armored people were in sight. They were on a circular formation with both their spears and shields rised. Meaning, that they came here to face off the Wyvern...

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