Chapter 3 Part 2

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Second part of the third Chapter of the Sword Hero.

[P.V.O. Toshiro]

Hello to all my amigos!! I am Toshiro Kujou! I was a mere deliquent from the city of New York until i was summoned to this fantasy world along four other dudes that while i dislike the Spear dude and i consider the Bow midget annoying and stupid, i felt pretty normal with Shieldy, who i hope is okay.

But lets forget that!

Right now, i was on the Kingdom of Shiga, where the Sword Hero is far more important because he helped on the foundation of this country and saved this nation many times.

I keep my status as the current Sword Hero because it would cause me some troubles.

Right now. A friend that i have made called Zena, decided to help out three Demi-human girls who were used by a fat priest in order to scam the people with his bullshit with the aid of a Guild called 'Rat'.

I had bringed the collaborator of the fat priest.

"Wassup!" I greeted.

"Toshiro-san!?" Zena said, surprised by my sudden appearance.

"What have you done to this devout believer who supplied the Demi-human slaves!?" He demands me, but i ignored him, not caring about him since he was going to die soon.

"Sorry for the wait, Zena, and priest, thanks for the aid." I thanked the priest for holding up the crowd. "This guy here is the ringleader." I said pointing to the rat next to me.

"As i expected of someone so agile!" She... compliments me of something totally different...

"Uuhh... What does me being agile has to do with this? I just found the troublemaker..." I deadpanned, pointing out that this isn't a matter of me being agile. But a matter of thinking my actions. Hah! And Jonathan said that i didn't think of my actions.

Zena stays quiet for a while, absorbing my words and then... With a heavy blush... She realize that she just said the wrong words. "I-I-I-I I mean... Uuhh... Ummm... I-I!!!" She struggles to say as she was embarrases of putting the wrong words.

"You said, "ringleader"?" The priest asks me, not getting what i was talking about.

"You'll hear it in a second. Zena, if you have enough magic power, can you use it to let my voice be heard by all the people?" I asked to Zena, making her snap out of her trance.

"O-Okay!" She begins of chanting the magic spell and. "Whisper Wind!"

With the spell activated, i lifted the rat by the back collar of his clothes. "Can you see this guy, people! This man right here is behind this! He lent his slaves to the Zycuuon priest in order to rile everyone and create panic. He did this in order to sell you just some mere plain rocks to get your well-earned money!"

Well like it was expected, everyone was surprised by what i just said.

After some pregnant silence.

"Give us back our money!"

"Eh? He tricked us...?"

"Yeah! Give it back!"

"Give our money back!"

The mob has now turned against the fatass priest. And i just kept with my speech. "What's more, he has ulterior motives! Using the Zycuuon priest who tried to earn some extra change, his true objective was to incite everyone to rebel against the Count!" Everyone was now shocked by my revelation, shocked for the fact that they were being used to start a rebellion.

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