Chapter 7

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I don't own anything.

[P.O.V. Toshiro]

Yesterday was quite handfull if i have to say.

After we finished to watch the opera, we were about to return to the inn until by coincidence we met Iona and Lilio, who were with a woman I haven't met before.

We saw that they have some bruises, because they told me that they fought against large fang ant monsters.

They also told me that a ratman had snuck into the territory and they suspected that a group of cavalry ratmen were probably the ones who led the ant monsters. And their leader had the most reconizable part, which was his red helmet.

Hmmm... I don't want to play Sherlock Holmes, since I don't have the brains to play the detective, but... I suspect that they were persued by the ants and Iona's group were just caught up in the middle.

The point is that maybe the ratmen didn't have the intention to lead the ants to them, they just were running away and they crossed paths with the brigade by coincidance.

Well leaving that aside.

Suddenly, the gates of the city were assaulted by a bunch of flying ants monsters.

Me and my group decided to fight them.

Since it is too long, i shall try to make this story be shorter.

We fought the bugs and some entered Nadi's shop.

And then i met with the manager who was an Elf. Since his name is... hard to pronunce, i decided to just call him Manager.


After making sure that Nadi was in good hands. I went outside to check if things were alright and I met up with Zena.

According to her, there were no death's ratio and the injured were being treated by the priests.

Zena and her group will be joining the light cavalry for patrol. I see that they have decided to patrol the outside of the city...

It's such a shame that my day with Zena is over, but she had to answer the call of duty.

After I bid my farewells to Zena. I met up with Liza who... had a problem with a little shit who wanted to rip us off.

Hmph, I managed to swindle that little shit into taking a little of Liza's spoils.

We meet up with the rest of our group and eat our fill. But Lulu had to eat fruits due to her current condition.

Which take us to the present. In the night

I began to worry for Lulu's condition, so i went to buy medicines for her.

But in my way, i encountered some of the folk who we rescued at the labyrinth and they treat me some booze... I don't know if a minor should be drinking that shit... one can mock me all they want, but I will never drink a single tip of booze even if i reach to my 40-years.

They even tried to get me to the brothel they went frequently. But I strongly refused since I had decided to have my first time to... Zena.

Yep you heard me right! Zena will be my partner on the bed when the time comes, so I will not give myself to any woman I just met.

After I explain that to them... for some reason... they said they felt inferior to me... Hahahaha! I guess i'm superior to them since they only have cheap women to have sex with.

After i managed to buy a high-quality medicine for Lulu.

I suddenly found an black feather and later... troubles.

Romancing SaGa: The Journey of the Sword Hero(In Adoption)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora