Chapter 8

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I don't own anything. Just the OCs that may appear.

[P.O.V. Toshiro]

I was running around as I was fighting for my life in this dungeon.

"Yaah!!" I yelled as I cut down an kind of goblin made of weed.

I saw more coming as... there was also a big guy with them... I guess those are the hobgoblins, right?


How did get in this situation, you ask? Well... it is going to be long.

[One day ago]

Like usual, days were peaceful at the city.

For example...

I saw Arisa playing with some kind of game with the demi-human girls and Yuni.

Well... what exactly happend it's no of importance so I'll just skip that part and lets advance foward.

I went to check how Mia was doing since last night, and Arisa with Tama and Chiyo went with me.

And when we arrived. I saw that those three took a great liking to Mia, which is nice since aside from our current group, they don't have friends of their... own age...

Well, since they get along very well.

"I need to speak some things with Nadi, so I'll head downstairs for a bit. I leave the nursing of Mia to you." I told to Arisa.


As I was about to go, Mia grabbed me by my sleeves. "Mwu."

"Why are you so attached to me?" I said so in my mind in wonder. I mean... It wasn't even a long time since we know each other so... why is she getting attached to me of all sudden?

Well I went downstairs to talk somethings with Nadi. Right now, she was eating some snacks that I buyed at some store.

"I'm grateful. I haven't eaten much since morning." Nadi thanked while Lulu was pouring some tea in her cup. "Thank you." She thanked to Lulu while sipping the tea.

"By the way... Toshiro-san you are a Youxia, right?" Nadi suddenly asked and I nodded.

"Which means that since you're forming a party and you're going to be traveling a lot, what about buying a coach?" Nadi suggested... that actually doesn't sounds like a bad idea.

Instead of going by foot, I can go on the coach where many of us can rest on the way while in there I can also put all our supplies for the journey.

But the problem is... I don't have any experience as a coachman.

Hey! I'm a city boy! how can you expect me to drive a coach! Hell, Jonathan didn't even let me drive his car when he took me back to the orphanage...

"Damn!! I really miss him!!" I yelled while slaming my fists to the table. Which caught Nadi and also both Lulu and Liza off-guard.

"Oh... sorry, I just thought of someone I knew since I was a little kid." I began to explain them about Jonathan and our relationship and stuff.

"Tehehe! It sounds like Jonathan-san is like your father, Toshiro-san." Nadi giggled... How... in the world does me and Jonathan are like father and son!?

Anyway! I don't know how to drive a coach, so that's a problem.

I suddenly noticed that Lulu seemed like she wanted to say something. "What's wrong, Lulu?"

"N-no..." She meekly answered.

"Lulu please. If there's something you want to say then you're free to say it." I assured with a soft tone. Since I want to give her confidence to speak.

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