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she was fourteen when it happened. a fourteen year old child.

"today i'm going to talk about- i want to talk about-" her breath hitched in her throat, she didn't want to be here. not at all.

her eyes glanced up from the piece of paper her trembling hands were holding, to the people infront of her. they were all pretty much crying, some sobbing, and all in black, it was depressing- she wouldn't of wanted this.

"i-i'm sorry" her voice broke, then she just ran.

it was hard running in the stupid pumps and the stupid dress her mom had forced her to wear. someone was following her definitely, but they weren't her priority.

her eyes glossed over, and she could barley see where she was going. her lungs were burning up, and she almost collapsed by a tree.

"harper!" scott called out to her
"s-scott. just go away!" harper tucked her knees into her chest, determined to feel any type of warmth.

"harper please. just look at me" scott spoke quietly and knelt down in-front of her, she looked up to him.
"it hurt scotts. it hurts so much." her words choked through her sobs
"i know harper. i know..." there wasn't much scott could say, i mean her sister had just died. what do you say to that? scott had never lost someone that close to him before

"i just miss her. i miss her so much" her voice was now a soft whisper
"i'm sorry" scott leaned in close to her, and rapped his arms around her torso
"i promise it'll get better. the pain won't go away, but it'll be easier to bear with" scott gently soothed.

the memory caused harper's eyes to flutter open, the sky was still dark, and her legs were tangled with stiles', her head on his chest, and his arm around her

harper didn't want to burden the boy with her problems, so she just snuggled up against him and let the tears silently fall, hoping not to be heard.

stiles shifted, and squinted down to his crying girlfriend, growing concerned for her once again

she sniffled and kept her eyes shut, praying he didn't notice her tears.
"i-i'm fine stiles. just- just go back to sleep"

"harper your not fine" stiles rubbed his eyes and leant fowards, flicking on the lamp.
"you're crying?" his eyes went soft, and he grabbed her hand.

"is it about what happened yesterday? mr harris is okay he's in hospital-"
"it's not that stiles" harper slowly pulled her hand away from stiles' and crossed her arms to her chest, but immediately regretted it when stiles flashed her a hurt look.

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