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since she went to visit her sister, something didn't sit right with harper.

everyday, she had to suppress the memories of the day she found out about her sisters death, otherwise she would of had so many breakdowns she wouldn't be functioning properly.

but right now, it was the only thing on her mind.

for months, harper was convinced her sisters death was a murder. she became so completely obsessed with finding out what happened to her sister, she lost sleep, skipped school and was a complete mess.

her research started off with looking into murders, and serial killers then slowly transformed into hunters and werewolves. which at the time she thought was all myths and folklore but thinking back to it, the fact maybe her sister was connected to the supernatural seemed quite likely, seeing as how she died 

although harper had tried her best to block out all of the information she gathered doing her extensive research, there was one name that she particularly remembered seeing everywhere.

hours later, harper found herself doing exactly the same thing she was doing all those years ago.

tabs and tabs were open about werewolves and hunters, but she knew most of this from stiles. the only new things she had discovered were the names "La bete de gevudan" and "Marie-Jean Valet" which mean nothing to her. just another big wolf that was killed.

slamming her computer shut, harper sighed for what felt like the millionth time.

she rested her head on her hands, until an idea came to her. she was going to see the only person she could trust with something like this. derek hale.

derek had told harper that he hadn't actually lived in the hale house since it had burnt down. he actually lived in a loft downtown, the same loft where the party was held. harper decided it would be best to not mention the party to derek. knowing stiles' the party was probably held without dereks knowledge.

"mom i'm going out" harper sprinted out of her door and pulled a beanie over her head since it was slightly cold and her hair was a mess

grabbing her skateboard, harper jumped on it and literally rode into the sunset.

when she arrived harper kicked the skateboard up and held it beside her hip. met with two slidey doors, harper stood infront of them, not really knowing what too do with it.
"do i knock or-" the doors slid open and harper screamed so loud, scott could of probably heard her.

"are you trying to give me a heart attack hale?!" she breathed out
"what are you doing here?"
"how did you know i was out here?" answering a question with a question was something harper loved to do
"i could hear your heart beat. you sound nervous. anyways what are you doing here?" derek folded his arms and put on his classic 'brooding'  face

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