Chapter 28

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The plan was made. We spent the entire day, running around and talking to others. Every fine detail was set out. We knew how we were going to strike down Union, once and for all.

I was so exhausted that I fell asleep on the ride to the new hotel we were staying in. I did however wake up to Gabriel carrying me to my room. Zaine had been sparsely seen that day, but Gabriel was by my side the entire time.

I couldn't help but feel like he was a father figure to me. He felt like a dad and it was comforting. Gabriel was always asking me how I felt, if I needed anything or if I wanted something. I wondered if things were different, that's how my dad would have acted. The memories of those days were too worn to bring back. I didn't miss them though, I was making new memories.

As Gabriel set me onto my bed, in the room I was staying in, I grabbed his wrist before he left.

"Can... Can you tuck me in?" I asked, blushing slightly. I hadn't been tucked in forever. "It's just that I haven't been- I just wanted-" I kept stammering. Gabriel laughed under his breath, as he pulled the blanket up to my chest. He kissed my forehead and ruffled my hair.

He suddenly looked slightly sad, regretful maybe. "I never got to do that." He said, before straightening up to his full height. "Sleep well, Arianna."

Before I knew it, the room was plagued by darkness and the door was shut. My mind had so much to wander to. It was the night time that hit me the worst.

Flashbacks of blood and gore, of my own hand killing someone. I had done it before, but only because I had to. I always wondered where those people went home to. Did they have families? Were they missed? I didn't know the answer to that, but I knew that I had to protect myself and my loved ones before anything else.

The battle against Union was going to be the worst bloodshed I had ever seen. Not only were the mindless drones of Union going to be killed, but my own warriors would be too. The ones who came to fight.

All of those who died for me, who died because of me, they would be avenged, I promised myself that. I couldn't let their deaths stand for nothing. Not Nova's...

It was time to let myself sleep. In five days, we marched. In the mean time, Gabriel's angels were throwing Union off track, until we were ready. This battle would not be a rag-tag fight. We were going to fight to win, not to die.


I rolled out of bed, threw my hair up in a pony tail and was dragged right out of the door. I was still wearing yesterdays clothes, but I no longer cared about who saw me in what. I had more important things to think of.

We were all piled in the tight space of an old van, for a reason unknown to me. I was sprawled across Atticus and Eaton's laps in the far back. In front of us was Alex and Marcus and a friend of theirs and Zaine and Gabriel took the front, Gabriel being the one driving.

I stared up at Eaton's face. My lower half was over Atticus, who was resting his arms on my legs. I couldn't help but think of Eaton however.

He was the youngest, but the strongest, in my mind. He was the one picking up the conversation when no one knew what to say. He was the one making everyone feel better, the one who put himself last. Not once had I ever heard Eaton complain, or even speak about himself.

I studied his face, which seemed distant and hard. He was clearing thinking hard about something, which I couldn't put my finger on. I was very grateful to him and as soon as everything was over, I would try my best to be there for him, as he was to us all.

The van pulled into a lot and parked. I lifted my head from Eaton's lap to see that we were at a breakfast place. I couldn't help but smile. It had been forever since I'd done something normal. Well, since I briefly lived in New York.

I giggled as I crawled over Atticus and threw myself out of the van. I was starving.

I was the first to pull open the door and walk inside. There was a few people inside, but not enough to fill the restaurant. The ones who were there were staring at us and they had a good reason to. We were definitely a sight to behold.

We grabbed the largest table we could and soon the quiet room was filled with our chatter and laughter. Once the waitress did manage to get around to take our orders, I got a stack of pancakes with whipping cream and strawberries with a glass of orange juice.

While we waited, I turned to Atticus who was to my left. He looked so handsome, with hid black hair swept away from his face and his jaw line that made me want to kiss it gently. He was quite a bit bigger than I, but I've never felt safer than around him.

He noticed me staring and he turned his head towards me. I unconsciously bit my lip and his graze dropped ever so slightly to my lips. His hand moved to my leg and I couldn't help feel like I wanted to be his girl, the one he kissed at night.

I shook myself back into reality and I moved my leg from his reach. I faced forward again, so I didn't have to see the look of disappointment on his face. I could no longer deny my love for him and I was ready to not be scared of hurt again, but I had to focus on the battle ahead. I kept telling myself that things would be different after that. Hopefully it would.

I joined back into the conversation, where we all brought up fond memories and told stories of heroic happenings. I felt the butterflies and the twisted knot in my stomach disappear for a bit. When our food arrived, I almost cried tears of joy.

"That was the best breakfast I've ever had." I said simply, patting my full belly. "Yeah, that was pretty good." Alex agreed, running a hand over his closely trimmed hair.

Suddenly, the atmosphere felt darker. Gabriel and Zaine exchanged a look. Zaine cleared his throat and he stared at the table, as if he were searching for the right words.

"I'd like to thank you all. My brothers, who were loyal and trustworthy to the ends of the earth. Atticus, that counts you as well. You're a part of this family if you like it or not," Zaine chuckled lightly before continuing. "Gabriel, you gave me the truth and a hard reality that I needed. I will always remember how to helped us through thick and thin. I'm proud to call you a friend." Zaine gave Gabriel a pat on the back, before turning to me. "Ari, you brought a light that I've never seen before. Because of you, we've all seen what needed to be changed. You're strength will bring me through this battle with my head held high. Our family wouldn't be complete without you."

Zaine stood from the table and looked to us all. "We'll make it through this. I promise"

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