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Atticus and I strolled through the path, towards the familiar waterfall we knew all too well. We held hands through our woollen gloves as the snow softly fell around us. It was beautiful.

The waterfall was perfectly iced over, in a swirling dark blue pattern that caught my breath. The ice was filled with family and friends, all skating in happiness. All I could hear was laughter. Atticus went to throw on his skates, and I parted just a few minutes to the engraved rock on the side of the small cliff.

On it was a small script saying: "all light burns brighter than the dark mistakes of our past. In loving memory of Daniel and Alex Lockwood. Brothers forever." I felt the indented words with a tender caress. I closed my eyes and spoke to them both, through my heart and soul. I thanked them.

"Arianna watch this!" A squeaky high voice called to me. I looked over towards the pond to see that everyone had cleared the way, so Moe could do whatever trick she had planned to. "Oh no..." I sighed, amused.

Moe, in her fluffy white coat, had one leg pulled out straight behind her and she was gliding quickly over the ice. He skate hit a rock, or something, because she went tumbling into Marcus, who then fell into his girlfriend, who fell into Zane's wife. And of course everyone on the ice had fallen over, erupting into a series of joyful laughing. I couldn't help but smile too. This was all I wanted in my life.

I joined the crowd who had managed to stand to their feet after the struggle. I tossed on my skates and glided onto the ice, to meet Atticus. He guided me as we swirled around in the snowflakes. I lost my balance after a quick twist and I tumbled into Atticus, who caught me in his strong arms. I looked up at him, at his dark messy hair and his sideways grin. His green eyes were warm with love. I felt myself stand straighter and we leaned in for a warm, tender kiss. Our noses brushed and I couldn't help but smile, halfway through our kiss. He held me close and the cold was blocked out.

Gabriel stood a good ten feet away from us, struggling to keep his balance. Seeing the 6'9 giant wall fall onto his ass on a pair of skates was the funniest thing I've ever seen.

Eaton brought all of us a large tray of hot chocolate with marshmallows in it. We all took a quick break to enjoy the warm sugary treat. Eatin didn't join us in skating, because he had been sick lately. But that had been lasting the last few weeks, and he didn't seem to get better. He didn't want us worrying, but I couldn't help but feel a nagging feeling in the back of my mind. His girlfriend came over less and less and Zane always sent him sideways glances of concern.

I watched the house in the distance, that now had another addition in the process of being built. It would be done by christmas, so the house was a bit full. That didn't mind any of us, we were just excited to all be under the same roof, and the brothers would have their partners live with them in their own space too. Life was great.

The only worry we all had on our minds was where did Vivian and Bane run off to? Everyone hated them and they were recognized as monsters, but we still knew somewhere deep down that there was always the possibility of another army. But Gabriel and the council were working hard. My mother had been in jail, where she was working as a healer behind bars.

"Family picture!" Zane's wife called. She held her camera up high and everyone surrounded me, where I was standing. We all smiled brightly as the picture snapped.

Life was different now, happier. There was still unanswered questions drifting in my mind, and my story was far from over. But I was happy, and thats all that mattered.

The End.

*Authors note*

There you have it! HSR is finally at a close! This book may be the last one. I could write one final book to tie the story to a full end, or I could leave it here. I'm not sure yet, but I hope you enjoyed this book. Please leave me your thoughts in the comments, or inbox me. If you want another book, let me know!

Love, Madison Rose.

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