Chapter 6

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Atticus didn't wait for my response. He left soon after. I stayed motionless on the bed. Hours had passed and I was still sorting through my thoughts and emotions.

I decided to just take a bath. I had a head ache from over thinking everything like I usually do. I took off the disgusting black clothes and hopped into the tub. The markings were all over my body and I felt sick just seeing them. At first I thought they were somewhat beautiful. But now, knowing that this was the product of Pierce made me want to burn off my own skin. I wasn't that crazy... yet.

The large tub practically swallowed me. The cold porcelain gave my tainted skin goosebumps. But it was relaxing. I filled the tub with warm water. There was bubble bathe that I definitely added. The bubbles were soft and my skin was soothed. I tilted my head back and closed my eyes. The tap was turned off, so I didn't have to worry about flooding the hotel. I felt at peace for the first time in a long time.

A knock at the door startled me. I lifted my head and called, "yes?" There was a moment of silence from the other side of the door. I was beginning to think I was hearing things and that there was really no one there. "I brought you clothes from... home." Daniel said so softly I hardly heard him. I sat up in the tub, the bubbles hiding my ugly skin. "You did?" I couldn't help but be surprised. I had no idea what was up with him, but his actions were surprising. "Uh, yeah. I'll just leave the clothes outside of the door. I was also thinking we could get something to eat at the hotel's restaurant." Odd change of behavior indeed. He was up to something. Even though all of my trust in him had disappeared, I still agreed to dinner.

After ten more minutes, I got out of the bath, all clean and washed. My hair was back to its soft, silky state but it was still a dark red and shorter then before. With my towel wrapped around me, I grabbed the clothes from outside of the bathroom door. There was a few outfits for me to choose from, so that must mean we would be at the hotel for a few days.

Once I was dry from the fluffy towel, I changed into a bandeau and a transparent, white lace top. The body of the top was of course opaque; I wasn't the type of person who liked walking around practically naked. The long sleeved top made me feel prettier and it made the markings look better as well. Then I put on a pair of black jeans. He also remembered to bring my slip ons that I always wore. At least Daniel picked some decent clothes for me to wear.

I left the bathroom and looked for something to brush my hair out with. Of course there wasn't a brush, so I just finger combed my hair. When I looked into the bathroom mirror again, I felt nervous. This hotel was obviously first class and I was about to be dining around people with these vine like marks on me. What would people think? I thought I looked decent enough, but what would everyone else think?

'Arianna what are you saying? Remember the girl back at the orphanage who didn't care what people thought, and how confident she was? A part of you is still her, no matter how much things have changed. You are beautiful in your own way, like everyone else!'

After the inner pep talk, I held my head high. I was confident now.

. . . .

Atticus was at my room before Daniel was. He sat on the corner of my bed, with his hands in his lap. His dark hair looked so soft that I wanted to run my hair through the waves. I sat beside him, awkwardly.

"I missed you so bad, that I sat in your room at least twice a day. It wasn't fair that as soon as I get better, you were taken away from me." Atticus said, in a tired voice. I turned my head to see his jaw line, so smooth that I wanted to run my finger tips over it. "I missed you to. Can you be patient for me? I know that nothing will be the same, but I still need to know that you won't give up on me." I turned my head away, so that he couldn't see my eyes when they told more of the truth then I ever could.

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